Your Purpose

Your Authentic Gift

Dearest Fearless One,

Your gift is authentic. 

This means your gift is genuine, honest, and original. There isn’t one like yours. There may be similar ones through different individuals. But your gift is the only one. There has never been one like you, nor will there ever be one like you. You are the only genuine you. You have the only genuine gift in you. You have the only genuine gift that others need in their life. Your only genuine gift will reach specific individuals that others wouldn’t be able to with their gift.  

When we put two individuals with similar gifts together, you can see their differences as they present their gifts uniquely and authentically. You will also find yourself drawn toward one more than the other, as you feel they can captivate your attention and speak your language more so than the other.  

Your authentic gift will captivate some more so than others. Your authentic gift will touch lives that other individuals in their authentic gift aren’t able to touch, and vice versa. With that said, we all need each other to help each other. One person can’t do it alone. Every unique gift is required to make a complete wholeness. 

You, fearless one, don’t need to copy another one’s gift. When you have fearless confidence in your unique gift, you can express it in your uniqueness. 

Only those who are insecure in themselves, who are not choosing to be fearless, will try to copy another one’s gift and not accept or take the time to understand their authentic gift.  

I had, at one point, out of my insecurities, not accepted and understood my unique, authentic gift and tried to copy another’s gift to make my own. I found that it doesn’t work that way and only makes you look untrustworthy. Your gift is not an authentic gift but a fake gift.  

People want the true genuine you!  Your Authentic Gift! 

Little children (believers, dear ones), you are of God and you belong to Him and have [already] overcome them [the agents of the antichrist]; because He who is in you is greater than he (Satan) who is in the world [of sinful mankind]. 1 John 4:4 (AMP)

You O’ Fearless One, can face any fears that come your way.  Because, my precious one, you were made in the image of God and God Is Fearless!  God laughs at fear because He laughs at Satan, the father of fear.  God defeated fear for us so that we don’t have to defeat it, but just resist it.  Resist the pressure of fear and it will flee from you.  Laugh at fear.  Tell fear to go.  Tell fear that it no longer has a hold on you.  

You dominate fear, don’t allow fear to dominate you.  

God wants to show off His masterpiece, YOU. By walking and operating in the authentic gift, He has given you. 

I was in fear of my authentic gift being rejected and not accepted. I didn’t believe that my authentic gift had any value to others. For, I didn’t value myself as God valued me. But the more I received the revelation of God’s love for me, the more I learned to love myself. The more I can embrace my unique Authentic Gift and experience the freedom to be ME!  

Suppose you have found yourself not fearless but in fear of your authentic gift. You think your authentic gift isn’t valuable to share with the world. No one needs your gift, or you fear your authentic gift being rejected, causing you not to step out into your authentic gift or try to copy another’s authentic gift. 

Then, I encourage you to go before our beloved Heavenly Father to embrace His love and strength. Take time to soak in His presence. Allow Him to fill your delicate heart with Himself. Allow Him to hold you in His warm embrace to comfort you. Allow Him to whisper in your ear with His words of encouragement. Allow yourself to be encouraged by Him. He loves it when we come to Him as our Father and allow Him to help us. But He also loves it when we walk in our warrior garb, imitating The authority that He has given to us.  

 So, face those fears as a Fearless Warrior Princess. Know that fear has to bow their needs to a Fearless One, and that’s YOU!   You are a Fearless One. You have all power and authority over fear. So, fear has to bow its knees to you and flee. 

Fear has two meanings: Forget Everything and Run, or Face Everything and Rise. – Zig Ziglar

The more you develop confidence in who you are in Jesus, the more you will desire to walk in your authentic gift, knowing you are the only one with this unique gift.  

The more you learn to love and accept yourself, the more you will want to walk in your authentic gift as you experience the freedom to do so.  

The more you know our precious Heavenly Father’s love, the more you will be devoted to walking out your authentic gift to please Him.  

You can glean and learn from those who have walked in similar gifts you are walking in. You can have mentors who have walked out the similar gift you have to help you develop your authentic gift. But remember, in your fearless way, you cultivate your unique gift to demonstrate who God made you to be. God made you different and unique from anyone else.  God made your Authentic Gift and placed it in you.  

Embrace and walk out your own Authentic Gift.

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