Your Purpose

You are Born with a Purpose

Each of us is called with a purpose to fulfill while we are here on this earth.

 You are God’s masterpiece, created in His image, with every perfect detail, through a broad depth of love that no mind can conceive but only taste.

You were in the center of every thought of God before He created the World. 

He created this World for you to present out of His deep love for you.

Everything about this World, all creatures great and small, every herb, seed, and plant, and all the beauty of stones and gems, were created for you to enjoy. He wanted you to have a place to be fruitful, multiply, and fill.

The World is a place to use your authority of dominion in the likeness of Him using His power over the heavens and the universe.

The moment you were conceived, a flash of light explosion occurred. And at that moment, God looked upon you. And as His eyes gazed upon you, the full depth of His love for you came rushing out of him, pouring all over you as if He was breathing new life into you.

Like He did with our dear brother Adam in the garden of Eden, His very thoughts of you were consumed by how beautiful and fearfully you are made. The smile on His lips as joy overcame Him, knowing that another one of His children is being brought forth to have fellowship with Him. He created us with a purpose to have a friendship with Him.

God is the Alpha and the Omega, the first and the last, the beginning and the end. He knows all things.

He knows what will transpire from the beginning of time until the end of time. He knows all things; nothing gets by Him.

He knows every one of his beloved children’s decisions while here on this earth.

He knows when each of his dearest treasures will breathe life upon this earth.

He takes delight and pleasure in watching His beloved children fulfill their purpose here. 

For we are His workmanship [His own master work, a work of art], created in Christ Jesus [reborn from above—spiritually transformed, renewed, ready to be used] for good works, which God prepared [for us] beforehand [taking paths which He set], so that we would walk in them [living the good life which He prearranged and made ready for us]. – Ephesians 2:10 (AMP)

God makes no mistakes. 

Man makes mistakes, but God never has or will ever make mistakes.

He is perfect, and in Him, we become perfect.

God knew of you coming before the foundation of this earth.

God gave you, as he has given to each of His beloved children, who has already breathed life, or is breathing life, or is going to breathe life, a purpose to fulfill upon this earth.

You are not a mistake, but you were born at this time. In this time of age, you are called to perform something extraordinary, and no one else can fulfill it as you can, for you are made unique. There has never been anyone like you, nor will there ever be one like you.

You are the one and only you. You are the one and only one to be unique like you and fulfill the uniqueness of your purpose.

Here are some encouraging scriptures spoken to different individuals in the bible for encouragement, and I believe they pertain to us today.

He wants to see you achieve your purpose here on this earth, more so than your desire to fulfill your purpose.

For I know the plans I have for you ~ Jeremiah 29:11a

You are born for a time of this ~ Esther 4:14

I have raised you for this purpose ~ Exodus 9:16

The LORD will fulfill his purpose for me ~ Psalm 138:8a (NIV).

Be encouraged and know that you are here for a purpose.  You are greatly loved. You are very much wanted, and you are needed. There are those in waiting for you to walk in your purpose. 

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