Your Purpose

You Are Accepted Even Though You May Not Feel like It. 

You are accepted!

The demonic spirits have been rejected and doomed for eternal damnation. So, they do everything they can to bring rejection upon humanity.  

Demonic spirits will lie to humanity, believing they are rejected, not loved, or accepted. Or they will use wounds from others to project rejection toward one another by putting up a protective wall around themselves, which sends signals of them rejecting those around them.  

There are those who flat out have sent every action of rejection toward others, wounding them, causing them through hurt to reject others. It’s a ripple effect of rejection among humanity, and the demonic see their tactic working to bring wounds and pain into their hearts. 

When humanity experiences rejection and holds on to the wounds, it opens the door for them to believe more lies the demonic forces want to inject into them.  

Lies such as, you are no good, you are a mistake, you have nothing to offer, you are not loved and valued, no one wants to be around you, and You are better off dead. 

Even though it may feel like another has rejected us, the truth is we are never rejected but loved and accepted by our creator—the all-mighty creator of the universe. 

We came from within Him…

…when He breathed us into our mother’s womb. He dreamed and talked of us before we existed. He has a deep desire for us beyond what we could understand. We may realize His longing for us when we spend time with Him. 

When we embrace Jesus, making Him the focus of our lives, we experience His presence, breaking the bondage of rejection. We become enveloped in His acceptance that rejection doesn’t cut us as it did in the past. Instead, grace, forgiveness, and love flow through our hearts toward that individual. A greater understanding that the other person is deeply wounded and doesn’t know how to love like Jesus loves. 

Let us take any pain of rejection to the feet of Jesus and allow Him to heal the pain and fill us up with His love and grace. And ask Him for forgiveness for the times we have projected rejection on others around us. Let’s find ourselves in Jesus and love like Him. And become aware of the demonic spirits working through individuals to create rejection. 

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