Note to Soul

Words Reveal True Character

Dear Heavenly Father,

Matthew 12:33-37 tells us that our mouth speaks out of the abundance of our heart.

Lord, I am taking a moment to reflect on the words flowing through my lips the last few days. Are they words of life, death, faith, fear, hope, hopelessness, victory, despair, or even hate or love?

It’s easier to judge others of what they are saying as we listen to the words flowing through them, bubbling out of their heart, but it’s ourselves that we need to judge and allow the Holy Spirit to reveal to us our hearts.
Holy Spirit, I permit you to bring my words into remembrance. I surrender to you to allow you to bring my soul correction, direction, and encouragement, leading me to become more like Jesus.

Reveal the true character I have become because of what I have been focusing on. Expose all the lies I have believed from the enemy trying to bring destruction to my very soul, leading me from the pathway of fulfilling the story God has written about me, fulfilling His purpose through me.

Lord, it’s Your word that I need to keep my focus. Morning and night, holding it before me, above anything else that would try to bring distractions into my life. My eyes are to gaze on your face through our most sacred, intimate time. My character becomes more like you in the secret place of being with you.

I know it’s more time with you; knowing what you say of me and how you see me will help me develop a true godly character reflecting you. It’s walking away from indulging in specific entertainment, sucking up more of my time, and filling me where Your Words should have supplied me.

Thank You, Lord, for Your forgiveness, grace and mercy, and tender love that draws me closer to You.
Your loving daughter,
Kristi ♥

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