Note to Soul

What’s in Your Conscience?

What’s in your conscience, righteousness- conscience or sinful -conscience?
Our consciences will direct our lives.
Sin consciences will keep us conscious of sin. Righteousness and conscience will give us the boldness we need to live the life God has called us to live, knowing we are in the right standing with Him.
When we embrace Jesus as our Lord and Savior, we are no longer a sinner, for our old sinner self-nature became nailed to the cross along with Jesus. We have become righteousness.

Jesus who knew no sin became sin, so we who knew no righteousness will become righteousness.

He made Christ who knew no sin to [judicially] be sin on our behalf so that in Him we would become the righteousness of God [that is, we would be made acceptable to Him and placed in a right relationship with Him by His gracious lovingkindness]. – 2 Corinthians5:21 (AMP)

Trying not to sin to become righteous is the opposite of the Lord’s leading. Becoming righteous by faith is the God kind of way, for without faith, it’s impossible to please Him. Working on getting righteousness is impossible, and God made it possible for us by merely receiving through faith.

Righteousness is the life and the nature of God. We received it when we became born again. The very nature of God dwells in us. We become one with Him.

The beauty of becoming righteous is we don’t have to feel a thing. Embracing it through faith and not by what our emotions tell us.

We will never become good enough on our own without embracing His way.

Righteousness is as bold as a lion.

Becoming right with God causes us to become bold. A boldness that knows we can believe and receive everything He has promised us. The courage that knows we have authority over adversity.

When we deeply know that we are His sons or daughters, we can approach Him as a father-and-child relationship. The old creature has passed away, and we have become new creatures. We no longer have to be concerned if we are good enough to be with Him, for He has made us perfect in Him.

The receiving of revelation set us free.

The adversity doesn’t want us to receive a revelation about righteousness. He wants us to stay in our old creatures with sinful thinking.

Yes, we do have sins we need to deal with, but there is a difference between being a sinner and sin.

The sinner is a noun – it was our identity before we accepted Jesus.

Sinning is a verb- an action that we act upon at times.

We are made up of three parts – spirit, soul, and body. The spirit man became perfect when we became born again. The body will receive its glorification when Jesus comes for His bride. The soul man is what needs to be renewed and changed.

To change and renew the soul is by spending time daily in the Word, allowing it to change us.

The more we become Word-minded, the more righteous our conscience and the less sinful our conscience.

When we receive a profound revelation of God’s love for us, we become like Him more.

Sin thinking hinders us.

As long as we focus on sin and our mistakes, the more we will find the fruit of sin manifesting in our lives. The more we focus on Him and our righteousness in Him, the more we will discover less sin manifesting in our lives and more holiness.

The adversity wants us to focus on sin because as a man thinks, so is he.

The adversity will bring up our past mistakes, failures, and shame to try and keep us from walking in the fullness of our righteousness – because he becomes afraid of us when we walk in the fullness of our righteousness because of the boldness that comes through.

The more we understand God’s love for us, the more we can walk in forgiveness and love toward ourselves and walk in our righteousness.

The adversity uses sinful conscience to stop the very nature of God from manifesting through us.

We are to put away the thoughts of “I am only Human.” When we embrace God’s righteousness, we become supernatural as He is. We start thinking we can do everything through Him who strengthens us.

Embrace the correct thinking.

Let’s renew our minds on God’s Word, embrace righteous thinking, and put away sinful thoughts. We should allow the Lord to reveal where we need healing in our hearts so we can change how we think.

Take time to draw near our beloved Heavenly Father’s heart to learn of His love, allowing His love to renew our minds.

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