Reference for Kristi Muszik

It has been said that all will be asked by their Eternal Maker: ‘Did you learn to Love while on the Earth?’ Kristi Muszik has learned to love well. Love is demonstrated by giving to others and Kristi instantly gives respect and a listening ear to everyone around her. You will also be gifted with her peace when in her presence. And what a treat to catch her infectious joy that bubbles out of Kristi. She is the bearer of the Fruit of the Spirit which she demonstrates to those in her midst.

My relationship with Kristi was primarily as her landlord, home group leader, and fellow church member. She displayed a commitment in each area, meeting with excellence any and all expectations. She knows her God-given talents and abilities, sharing her gifting at will and as requested.

What astounds me is the depth in Kristi. When she worships she does so with a deep, genuine intensity that can inspire those around her but more importantly must so please Father. Always in my memory is a Christmas interpretive dance Kristi gifted the congregation. It so quietly and beautifully honored the Savior’s birth and marked our celebration. She frequently spoke on the meaning of tithing during our Church Service. It was always so heartfelt that it motivated and influenced others.

Kristi also volunteered to teach a multi-week series in our home group. What took me a Master’s Degree to be able to do seemed to come naturally to Kristi. She organized her subject matter well, sequenced her topic and involved participants. Her commitment to the entire process—preparation, delivery, follow through—was impressive and impacting. Years later I still refer back to an assignment in her series that helped me to pinpoint my individual calling.

I treasure the six years my life intersected with Kristi Muszik. She is Christ-like in her integrity and represents our Savior well to this World.

– Debbie W. Bible Study Leader


I met Kristi about sixteen years ago through ministry. Her gentle heart of love and compassion is evident in all she does. Kristi’s relationship with God is deep and intimate.  Her passion for Jesus makes her so very effective in ministering to the hearts of women and anyone she is ministering to and with. Kristi’s life is a beautiful testimony of the love, power, and faithfulness of God. She has been such a blessing to me and I know she will be to you as well. – Bonnie M.



Speaking Reviews

Kristi is a very good speaker. I have heard her speak in several different situations, in church services, in small groups, teaching in conferences, and in a foreign country. She prepares well, is sure of what she is presenting and speaks from experience. Kristi draws attention to what she is saying because of her confidence and poise. She can present a wide range of subjects because she spends a great deal of her time reading and studying. Kristi is a delight to listen to and observe when she is speaking to groups of people.

– Sharon N. Former Pastor and Missionary


I have listened to Kristi speak at a bible study and church.  This story is an inspiration to not only women but to everyone. It is an encouragement that no matter how dark your life gets you can still make the decision to get out. God never leaves us nor forsakes us, He is always there; we just need to cry out and ask for help. Though we may have to live out consequences in life as long as we keep standing on His promises, we can live a life more abundantly.  We can live out our dreams with His help.

– Raelynn G.


I have listened to Kristi teach and she definitely has a story to share.  She has a great way of relating the word to life situations as well as showing how to use the word of God as our standard.  I have been blessed when Kristi has shared what the Lord is teaching her.

– Kristi A.



Dancing Reviews

Kristi dances with an anointing that ushers the Holy Spirit in, which opened the door for more clarity on how the Lord wants to minister for that service.  From a Pastor in Hong Kong


Kristi dances in a prophetic intercessor anointing. From a minister in Alaska
