Pursuit of His Heart

What is God’s Word to You?

What is this Book?

Is it a book we toss aside for days, not picking it up for countless days, forgetting about it until we are in desperate need?

Is it a book we keep on our shelves to only take down once a while to read a story we were inspired by at one point in our lives, bring it to remembrance?

Is it a book we have put aside not to hold dearly and protect ourselves in our hands on our way to church on a Sunday morning, but say we will use our devices to read the scripture the pastor leads us into or the screen upfront provided?

Is it a book we only open up on a Sunday morning to look like we know the book when, in reality, we don’t know anything about the book or the author to the depth we are to understand daily?

Is it a book we hold dearly to our hearts, emerging ourselves into it daily, keeping the precious words written through love before our eyes morning and night? 

This Book of the Law shall not depart from your mouth, but you shall read [and meditate on] it day and night, so that you may be careful to do [everything] in accordance with all that is written in it; for then you will make your way prosperous, and then you will be [a]successful. – Joshua 1:8 AMP

Looking at His priceless Word, knowing it’s full of life, giving us life. His words are of Victory, showing us how to live a Victorious Life as Overcomers, for He has already overcome it all for us. 

Cherishing every moment we make to be in His Word. Making it a priority in our lives to feed our spirit man as a once-a-day reading or as much as three times a day reading is like how we feed our mortal bodies three times a day.

We hold His Priceless Word dearly to our hearts, taking in every meaning of those life-giving words, allowing them to penetrate deeply into the depths of our hearts, keeping them well hidden.

So His words can spring forth like a river out of our hearts through our lips in every circumstance we face, speaking only the purity of life into every situation and the souls around us, for there is a power of life and death in our tongues.

Desiring to be more like Him, we value every opportunity we embrace to learn more about Him and Who He is in an intimate, personable way by spending precious time in His Word. Soaking in every word our eyes lay upon, allowing it to reflect in our soul’s ways to be more like Him.

Falling in love daily with the author of this valuable book, knowing it will take a lifetime of eternity to get to know Him.

This is a book where we can better understand the meaning of these mysterious words by praying in the spirit and seeing how the Holy Spirit teaches us something new every day. Even if it’s scripture, we poured over reading it a hundred times. The Holy Spirit shows a mystery we haven’t seen before, making us go wow in astonishment at the realization that we will never come to full of knowledge but take an eternity of learning.

This book is a priceless Bible -holding it with careful hands, stroking it with eager eyes to learn more, containing each of His precious Words deep in our hearts. Watching His Love unfold in every word written in a love letter form, teaching us who we are in Him and how to Love Him as He first Loved us. 

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