Note to Soul

What is God’s Love to You?

What is God’s Love to You?

How would you answer this question?

As I pondered this question, I didn’t know how to answer it. Because it boils down to, I haven’t fully grasped the whole meaning of God’s love.

Yes, I may know with my intellectual mind that He loves me because He said so in His Word. But do I truly know deep in my heart that He loves me?

We may know to understand something through our intellect, but unless it becomes a revelation – knowledge through our hearts. We genuinely don’t understand.

Revelation knowledge through the heart becomes more real than intellectual understanding.

When our hearts genuinely understand and believe, it allows us to change and become what our hearts tell us.

Intellect understanding doesn’t change us; It just gives us knowledge.

For example, I may know in my mind that I need to make healthy choices to help my body stay healthy. But, I will continue to make some unhealthy choices until a revelation of the importance of making healthy choices penetrates deeply into my heart – causing a burning desire to change.

This is the same with God’s Word. We may know about God and His sayings with our minds but not understand with our hearts.

Unless we receive a revelation profound in our hearts, we won’t change and become like Him – what He created us in His image.

We receive revelation in our hearts by spending time in His presence and His Word – stirring up a burning desire to know Him and His Love.

Knowing His love through the revelations of our hearts will penetrate deeply into us and change how we see Him, ourselves, and others.

We flow out of our hearts. Out of the abundance of our hearts, our mouth speaketh. Matthew 12:34 and Luke 6:45. 

Our passions and beliefs flow from our hearts and not through our minds.

We may speak of thought or knowledge in our mind, but it will come forth as dry information. It will not captivate the hearer.

When we speak from a profound revelation of our hearts with passion, it will captivate the hearer.

The more we receive the revelation of God’s love in our hearts, the more it will pour out of us with passion, changing our lives and others.

To know what God’s love is to us, we need to know Him in a sacred, intimate way.

We also need to know….

God loves unconditionallyHow can this be true, for humanity’s love being conditional surrounds us?

Does God truly love us unconditionally, no matter what we have done?

I am learning to believe as I have tasted this through my love for my children – my heart treasures. Nothing they can do will change my love for them, and it becomes truer as I grow in God’s love.

They teach some of us that God’s love is conditional. Through the upbringing we experience. Through religious leaders and groups. And through unhealthy relationships based on conditions.

Receiving heart revelation of God’s unconditional love for us will free us from conditional human love. 

Conditional human love came from individuals not knowing the unconditional love of our Beloved Heavenly Father. Believing lies from the deceiver, saying they are not enough.

We are enough because He is enough. He made us sufficient in Him through the cross.

We no longer have to prove ourselves for His love. He has loved us from the beginning of time, and His love for us will continue through eternity.

Nothing can separate us from His Love. Romans 8:38-39.

I spent years disliking me.

I spent years looking for approval from others who couldn’t love me the way I needed to be — trying to find unconditional love through conditional humanity love. You will never find it.

You only find unconditional love from our beloved heavenly Father and maybe a few individuals – who have grasped the heart revelation of God’s unconditional love.

The more I am in my sacred, intimate moment with Him – learning of Him and His Love – the more I like and accept myself and learn to love unconditionally.

What God’s love is to me will take me an eternity to share, for it will be an eternity of learning of Him and His love.

But I can say what God’s love is to me. The most beautiful of all is beauty. He created me in His image, a masterpiece for His pleasure, to have as His daughter to share His Kingdom with.

When I was lost, He found me and made way for the restoration of our relationship.

He doesn’t bring into remembrance of my past mistakes, for He has forgotten them. He focuses on making the presence beautiful and the future successful.

My Dearest Friend, what is God’s love?

How do you see God’s love? Unconditionally or conditionally?

Do you know about His love in your mind or of His love in your heart?

Take some time and ponder on how you see God’s love. 

Get into your sacred, intimate moment with Him and allow Him to speak to your heart.

He is longing for you. He desires to share Himself and lavish you with His love and gifts.

He made you His beautiful, unique masterpiece for a purpose. There hasn’t been and will never be another you. Live your life fully His way with Him. 


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