
True Love Marriage

True Love Marriage is Possible

My husband and I are celebrating five years of Marriage. 

We went to Cannon Beach, OR., last weekend for a few nights to get away and celebrate our beautiful union. We had a wonderful, relaxing time. 

These five years have gone by fast, too fast, may I say so. But they have been blessing years of love and respect. A marriage I have dreamed of since I was a little girl. 

A marriage of selflessness. We give to one another, esteem each other, and put each other above our wants and desires. It is an act that has to be chosen daily regardless of how we feel, but it is so worth it. 

A love that’s more concerned with the other person and how our action affects them., so we choose to answer with a soft answer and take the time to listen to their heart with respect. 

A beautiful marriage can only be made by being a doer of God’s Word, walking out His way of love, and knowing Him first as the true love. 

Some individuals say Marriage is complex and involves lots of hard work. It can be; it also can be much more comfortable, too. It’s all up to us how we make it. 

Dying to self daily is what makes Marriage much more natural and enjoyable. 

Saturating ourselves in God and getting to know Him and His love allows us to make a beautiful marriage with our spouse. 

Studying His Word and learning what pure love looks like helps us walk out His nature’s pure love to our spouse and even to our children and others.

We can’t give love if we don’t know what true love is. Knowing God in a personal, intimate way is knowing what pure love is. 



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