Pursuit of His Heart

To Know His Love

God is Love! 

This statement we read in 1 John 4:8 in the Amplified Translation, “The one who does not love has not become acquainted with God [does not and never did know Him], for God is love. [He is the originator of love, and it is an enduring attribute of His nature.]

I find myself not being in His presence to soak in His love when I haven’t been disciplined to spend quality time with my precious Jesus and my Heavenly Father and allowed distraction to come into my life, dictating me away from having that quiet, quality time. I find myself closing off my heart toward people. I find myself in fear of loving others. I find myself in fear of being rejected by others. I find myself in fear of being hurt by others. I expect others to perform a certain way instead of letting them be. And, when they don’t perform how I expected, I am offended. It’s an intense recycling. An unhealthy situation is putting oneself — an ungodly action that’s not to be so.

I can only walk out of that unhealthy cycle by spending quality time with my precious Heavenly Father daily and sitting in His presence, soaking up His love.  For, “There is no fear in love [dread does not exist]. But perfect (complete, full-grown) love drives out fear…..” 1  John 4:18 (AMP)  

When we spend precious, quiet, quality time with our beloved Heavenly Father, He fills us with His love that causes all fear we face to flee. He fills us with His love so we can pour His love into others.

Spending Time with Jesus.  

When I spend time with my precious Jesus, I enjoy having some music on. There are individual songs that I listen to that are just for Him and me. I listen to the songs with my eyes closed and my heart worshiping Him. I envision the two of us together in one of my favorite places, the beach. On the beach shore, a gazebo laced with my favorite flowers, roses. In my elegant white dress, I and him in his royal garb. We embrace each other in our arms, and we dance together. His arms are where I find the peace and love that I can’t see to the same extent anywhere else.

When I look into His eyes, I feel His love pouring out and spilling all over my person and filling up my being until I overflow. I would then lay my head upon his shoulder with my face snuggled into the nap of His neck to smell His sweet fragrance. I listen to His robust and comforting voice as He envelops me deeper in His arms, pressing me into His bosom.

Sometimes, I visualize us walking hand in hand through a meadow, surrounded by beautiful flowers and my favorite animals, talking to each other. Sometimes, while we are in the meadow, we are lying in a bed of flowers with our heads resting on a lion’s side as we talk. There are other times when I visualize us in a library as He is giving me instructions on certain things. Sometimes, I imagine us both on a considerable eagle, flying through the sky, laughing and enjoying the scenery.

I love spending time with my precious Jesus, and I treasure every moment of it. I need to be more diligent to have these special moments daily.

Go Boldly into the Throne Room. 

We read in Hebrews 4:18, that we are to come boldly into the throne room New King James says, “ Let us, therefore, come boldly to the throne of grace, that we may obtain mercy and find grace to help in time of need.”

The Amplified says it this way,   “Therefore let us [with privilege] approach the throne of grace [that is, the throne of God’s gracious favor] with confidence and without fear, so that we may receive mercy [for our failures] and find [His amazing] grace to help in time of need [an appropriate blessing, coming just at the right moment].”

When I visualize myself entering the throne room of our creator, our heavenly Father, as I approach the throne, I hold my head up high, my shoulders, back with my back straight. I take steps confidently, like a warrior princess, knowing that I am His daughter and have every privilege of going into the throne room to stand before Him in His awesomeness presence.

Sometimes, I visualize myself falling to my knees with my face upon His beautiful feet and telling Him about His greatness and how magnificent He is. Sometimes, I envision myself standing firmly before Him with a petition, knowing it can be granted to me if it’s in His word. There are times I visualize myself dancing and worshiping before Him. While the angels sing and King David plays. There are times I imagine myself crawling up into His lap, burying my face into His bosom. Especially if my heart feels broken, allowing my tears to soak into the cloak of His bosom as He wraps His arms around me, mending and healing my broken heart, making it new and whole again.

What a privilege and honor that the creator of this universe would permit us to come before Him in His throne room, for He delights in us when we go before Him. He desires us to go before Him. We are His precious children. He only wants to bestow love and blessings upon us in every area of our lives. He wants our eyes to be enlightened to the truth of His world so that we can embrace everything He offers us. He wants us to live here on earth as it is in heaven. We don’t have to wait until we go to heaven to know His love and blessings to live a life full of goodness and abundance. We can experience it daily.

To Know our Beloved Comforter.  

Jesus didn’t leave us alone when He went to sit at the right hand of God. He left us a comforter, the Holy Spirit. To guide, instruct, correct, and help us in every area and moment of our lives here. The Holy Spirit has so much love for our heavenly Father that He wants to take exceptional care of us if we allow Him to do so by keeping our ears open to hear Him and walking in obedience to His saying.

When I visualize being with the Holy Spirit, I sometimes see myself emerging into the river flowing from the throne room of our heavenly Father. I sometimes see myself with honey pouring all over me, making me sticky with His presence. I, at times, see myself with oil being poured all over me, saturating me in His presence.

Sometimes, I feel a tangibleness of His presence hovering over me, and I soak in it, allowing it to do its work in my life to change me and mold me into what I am called to be. The daughter God desires for me to be and be His Warrior Princess, living a Fearless life, being Resilient and Persistent with Relentless love.

The only thing that can change, heal, make us whole, and give us life and happiness is the love of our precious, beloved heavenly Father. He wants to commune with us daily. He wants to be part of every detail of our lives. He intends to overshadow us with His love.

Let’s give Him our time!

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