Note to Soul

The World Seems to be Falling Apart, but You, Jesus, never

Amid chaos unfolding in the world, Your peace and serenity remain stable. 

The deceiver knows its time is coming to a close. So, he is doing all he can to bring destruction. 

But You, Jesus, are burning brighter, and all who surrender to Your ways will burn brighter with You. 

We know what the end of the book says: the deceiver has lost, and we overcome. With this, we can rest in Your peace. 

You are looking for those who will say yes to living in the supernatural, no matter how unreal it seems to the natural. 

Yes, to face the evil in moments upon knees of prayer and moments of standing speaking statement of truth. 

I am calling those who will fight for justice for the innocent. Who will push back the evil?

You want us to pray for supernatural protection for those fighting for justice against evil. 

Confusion to the enemy camp is what we should confess, so they stop fighting against the light and fight among themselves in darkness, destroying their agenda. 

Teach us, Holy Spirit, the words of prayer found in God’s Word to be spoken for this hour. 

Please give us the wisdom of words to say or not say at this moment. 

May the supernatural of God’s love and justice birth through us, changing the world around us, for Your love overrides evil. 

We must also remember Your love, which is not passive like many believe but aggressive, bringing justice where justice is due and mercy where mercy is due. 

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