Showing: 1 - 7 of 7 RESULTS

Our First Night

Our first night in our fifth wheel was a night of tears. Tears from a heart missing my furry babies, home, furniture, and things of comfort. While my kids were growing up, we were a family that trailer camped three …

Note to Soul

Words Reveal True Character

Dear Heavenly Father, Matthew 12:33-37 tells us that our mouth speaks out of the abundance of our heart. Lord, I am taking a moment to reflect on the words flowing through my lips the last few days. Are they words …

Your Purpose

God, Are You in Control?

Dear Heavenly Father, I wince and sense a fury rising within my heart every time I hear the words, ‘God is in Control.” This is a statement I hear so often in the Christian circle. The message is so loosely said …

Note to Soul

Deny Self

Self Looking into the horror of self has been transpiring in my life.  The Lord has been speaking my heart about denying self. In the last couple of weeks, everywhere I turn around, there has been a teaching of dying …