The Texas storm was around us. Heavy rain and thunder poured down upon the store, as I waited inside for my husband to retrieve our vehicle closer to the store’s doors so I didn’t have to embark in the storm. …
Seize the Moment to Love Others
I was so caught up in myself that I didn’t show forth love toward another. Tears in my eyes as I realized that the day before, at a church gathering, when someone said hi to me, I didn’t stop to …
What is God’s Love to You?
What is God’s Love to You? How would you answer this question? As I pondered this question, I didn’t know how to answer it. Because it boils down to, I haven’t fully grasped the whole meaning of God’s love. Yes, …
Unfortunately, We Can’t Love God and Hate Another the Same Time
Unfortunately, We Can’t Love God and Hate Another the Same Time I had what felt like hate in my heart toward another. This feeling was so deep and my life so miserable it wouldn’t have bothered me if this individual …
Let’s Be Living Love Letters From God to Others
Let’s be living love letters from God to others What’s in our hearts will display outwardly toward others. We can never hide it as much as we try to. Whatever is in our hearts, for example, Love, hate, forgiveness, unforgiveness, …
Encourager or a Discourager
Are you an encourager or a discouraged person? Do you look for ways to encourage others around you, or do you find yourself bringing discouragement into their lives? Are there times you know that you should encourage someone, but you …
Love Bears All Things and Never Fails
Love – The Greek language distinguishes at least six different ways as to how the word love is used. Agape – is the most popular one used in the Christian world, to express the unconditional love of our Beloved, Heavenly Father. …