Your Purpose

Spring is Here!


Spring is my favorite season of the year. I live in the Northwest area, and we have our four seasons. I always look forward to spring. Also, I am a spring baby, born in the spring of April. April 1.
Growing up, in my school days, my fellow students would call me April Fool Baby. I would laugh and accept those words, fool baby, out of ignorance and wanting to have fun. But, now, I don’t accept those words, fool baby. For I know who I am in Christ. I have changed the words, fool baby, to Blessing Baby.

As a child of the most High God, I am a blessed baby. As a child of the most High God, you are a blessing baby, too. You are dearly loved and wanted by the one who matters most, our beloved Heavenly Father. He wants to bestow love and blessings upon you daily. He wants to give you new life and beginnings daily, as His mercies are new every morning.

The steadfast love of the Lord never ceases;[a] his mercies never come to an end; they are new every morning;great is your faithfulness.  Lamentations 3:22-23 (ESV)

Part of why I like spring is because of the new life it brings. Trees are gaining their new life of leaves and blossoms. Flowers blooming on certain bushes. Flowers come up from the ground to share their beauty of colors. Freshly cut green lush grass. Patios with beautiful arrangements of flowers in pretty pots.

I am a girl who likes flowers and dreams of having an English garden someday. Honestly, I wouldn’t say I like working outside and would have to have a gardener to come with my charming English garden to take care of it for me.

When I step outside my home to look at my yard, I dream and plan where to put pretty flowers. But first, I am faced with these ugly weeds looking back up right at me, laughing at me, in the flower beds. It’s so daunting looking at them and seeing all the work that needs to be done to eliminate them. I don’t find pleasure in pulling weeds; I want to get to the fun part of decorating by planting flowers and being creative.

We have beautiful tulips planted last year by the previous homeowner, growing and blooming. However, we are being overridden by the grass that has crept into our flower beds, thinking they can make a home there and hide our beautiful tulips.

Trying to pull those dreadful grass out of there was discouraging. Every time I try to pull, they resist me, as their roots shoot more, plunging into the soil and spreading, making it more difficult for them to be removed.
I had a decision to make. Will I let them win, or will I win this battle? I decided that I was going to look at them with fearless eyes and win this battle. I got myself a shovel to dig them up.

My beloved husband saw the struggle I was having, and he came to my rescue. My beloved knight in shiny armor battled those dreadful, stubborn grass, conquering them for me. He took upon himself the pain and endured the vexation of digging them up so that I didn’t have to endure the pain myself. He was my hero.

After all of my beloved hard, enduring work, our tulips were able to show forth their beauty. They shared their rays of beautiful colors with the world, decorating our flower beds with their elegant presence.

Each of us has beauty within us that the world needs to see. Each one of us has a purpose to fulfill that this world needs. Each of us has a story that needs to be shared with this world. Each of us has the reflecting light of our Heavenly Father that needs to shine brighter each day for the world to see. And the weeds and stubborn grasses are trying to override the beauty, purpose, story, and light in us.

Those weeds and stubborn grasses are areas in our lives that our precious Heavenly Father is speaking to each of our hearts to get rid of, pull out, and uproot out of our hearts, as they are overriding the beauty the Lord is working in each of us.
We know what those nasty weeds and grasses are in our lives.

We need to be determined to look at those weeds and stubborn grasses with Fearless Eyes. Face them and get them uprooted out of our lives so the beauty that the Lord is working in us can shine out to the world.
We have a Knight in Shiny Armor who is here to help us uproot those nasty weeds and grasses, our beloved Jesus. Jesus is with us always and will never leave us nor forsake us. He is here to help us. We must be willing to show forth the beauty of the fruit of the spirit in our lives daily.


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