Note to Soul

Soaking Worship

What is soaking worship?

Soaking Worship, also known as soaking prayer, is an unstructured approach to worship or solitude time with the Lord, with instrumental music playing in the background.  

Or, in a group setting, the worshipers with instruments may play according to the leading of the Holy Spirit, and the signers will sing by the leading of the Holy Spirit.

Whether private or public, it’s a personal experience between you and our heavenly Father.  

There will be times of spontaneous or a relaxing mood. 

Soaking Worship is “setting aside of oneself to focus and meditate on God.” 

It’s a time of giving our honor, adoration, and love to our beloved Heavenly Father, a place of giving ourselves to Him and receiving from Him in return.  

God created us to have a relationship. Part of having a beautiful relationship with Him is through an intimate time of Worship.  

Having a time of soaking allows the Holy Spirit to guide us and teach us how to have a deep, close, intimate relationship with our Heavenly Father, to know Him in a more profound, more significant way, and to surrender ourselves into His presence.  

There is something in our hearts that can only be satisfied by being in the presence of the Lord through Worship. 

What’s the History of soaking worship?

The Soaking Prayer was influenced by the book titled “The Practice of the Presence of God,” including letters by the 17th-century French monk Brother Lawrence.  

There are different accounts recorded in the Bible of Jesus removing himself from others, being alone in solitude, and spending time with His beloved Heavenly Father.  

So, this practice of being in God’s presence has existed since the beginning. Adam walked and talked with God in the garden. Enoch walked and spoke with God and was taken by God. 

Toronto Airport Christian Fellowship and International House of Prayer are known for practicing Soaking Worship regularly, and it has broadened to the whole body of Christ. 

There is something about being in the presence of God with music. Music has a breathtaking effect on our emotions.  

I believe music strongly affects us because God created us to worship. He created music. He has music and angles signing around His throne continually, non-stop.  

Something is compelling about worship music.  

Have you ever noticed how music can affect you? Certain types of beats can make you happy, sad, energetic, or relaxed.  

Have you associated memory with music playing during the time it took place? So, every time you hear that particular song, it causes you to return to that memory.

Music plays an influential role in my life, especially with memories. There have been times I couldn’t listen to certain music or types of music because it brought so many emotions and memories that I didn’t want to deal with.  

There is something powerful when we spend time soaking worship with our precious Heavenly Father with music in the background.

 Personal Soaking Worship Time

We can incorporate Soaking Worship with our time with the Lord.
Taking a few minutes to soak in His presence while we have our devotion time with Him can help the experience be more tuned into the leading of the Holy Spirit.

What are the benefits of Soaking Worship?

1.  Soaking Worship Allows the Holy Spirit to Flow

We allow the Holy Spirit to move and speak to our hearts and impart what needs to be given in our lives.

2.  Soaking Worship Causes Personal Encounter

It encourages us to encounter our precious Heavenly Father, seek His Face personally, and rest in His loving Arms.

3.  Soaking Worship Encourage Intimacy with God

It causes us to open our hearts and welcome Him to bring Himself to the innermost places of our souls, where we need a touch from Him to receive His love and grace.

4. Soaking Worship is Refreshing

Natural benefits take place as we can physically and mentally relax in our precious Heavenly Father’s presence, which helps us relieve stress, anxiety, depression, fear, and pressures that we aren’t supposed to be walking in.

How do we soak worship?

In the next post, I will talk about how we can incorporate soaking worship in our lives and devotional time and my experiences. “How to do Soaking Worship.”


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