Your Purpose

Seeking security in all the wrong places?

Has the Holy Spirit been speaking to your heart? Showing areas your heart needs purification from His Holy Fire?

Yeah, me too, tears streaming down my cheeks as I acknowledge the conviction of His love purifying my soul.

The Holy Spirit shows insecurity in my soul, needing His Holy Fire to burn and purify.

He whispers to my heart, instructing me not to look for security in the praises of men. Nor look for recognition from men.

Holy Spirit is teaching my soul how Jesus didn’t seek recognition from men nor praises from their lips. His focus was on God and God alone. His heart only desires compliments and recognition from the Heavenly Father.

He knew He could never trust men’s hearts, for they are fickle. One week, they praise Him, sing Hosanna, wave palm branches, and crucify Him the following week.

Humanity’s hearts will love you one moment and despise you the next. Our hearts may have done so. We thought someone was terrific one moment, and the next, we took offense.

Jesus kept His heart in the Heavenly Father’s heart and loved others through the Father’s heart.

We shall keep our hearts in Jesus and love through His love. With our heart in His heart, we find less pain and all the security needed from Him.

As I read Matthew chapter 23, the Pharisaism Exposed when Jesus addressed them doing deeds to be seen by men brought a loving conviction.

My comforter shows a part of my heart wanting men to recognize the deeds I do or have done. He then brings into remembrance of Proverbs 27:2

Let someone else honor you for your accomplishments,
for self-praise is never appropriate.

Lord, forgive me for all self-praises I have done. 

Later in my quiet time with Him, he took me to John 12:43

For they loved the glory that men could give them rather than the glory that came from God!

My heart fell to its knees and cried, “Purify me with Your Holy Fire. Cleanse me from all fleshly desires of wanting approval from humankind instead of You.”

I want a heart that only seeks approval from God and not humanity. How about you?

To live out our purpose here on earth and fulfill everything God has written for us to accomplish, we need only to seek His approval.

Humanity will not always understand or agree with what the Lord may instruct us to do for His Glory because of their insecurities.

There is a time when we will stand before the Lord all by ourselves, and He will ask if we accomplished all He asked of us.

With the knowledge that we will stand before Him, we keep in mind only seeing His approval.

Our Heavenly Father knows the deeds we are doing for Him, hopefully for Him, and not others.

Our deeds here on earth are for eternity and should be accomplished with an eternity mindset. Even if the acts are never recognized here on earth, they are consistently recognized in Heaven with an eternity mark.

Looking for recognition from the humanity of our deeds is a distraction from the real purpose of fulfilling the act. Focusing on Jesus will help us fulfill the purpose with a pure heart.

Some try to find their security and approval by keeping themselves busy, quote and quote, doing the work of the Lord, and blasting everything on social media.

There is nothing wrong with sharing the goodness of what God is doing. As long it’s with a heart seeking approval from God and not from man.

With a heart willing to walk away from ever sharing on Social Media if God asks. A heart in love with God, wanting to spend more time with Him than on Social Media.

When one spends more time on social media than with God, it’s more likely due to insecurity or loneliness. We see our security in our Heavenly Father, not on social media, and He is the only one who can fulfill the loneliness.

This heart of mine is crying out for the purification of the Holy Fire to look more like Jesus. A repentance heart of trying to flaunt any good deeds before humanity instead of seeking the approval of our Heavenly Father.

Allowing my precious, intimate time with the Lord to heal any insecurities in my soul that need healing. Letting the Holy Spirit show why there is insecurity and find my security in Him.

Come with me, my friend; let’s take the time to allow the Holy Spirit to purify our hearts and souls with His purifying fire, so we look more like Jesus.

Let’s seek with all our hearts and souls for only the approval of our Heavenly Father, aligning our life with His Holy Word.

Saturate yourself in His love.


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