Your Purpose

Resilient Persistent Relentless

I was reading an ascription, made by Pastor Jeff Knight of Rock Church in Monroe, WA, of his beloved wife, Melinda, on Instagram, in honoring her on her birthday. And three words out of the ascription stood out to me. And for days that followed, they were kept in the forefront of my mind. The words Resilient, Persistent, and Relentless. Fearless also arose up in my heart. 

So I have been studying these three words, and I also felt the leading of the Lord to use these three words of Resilient, Persistent, and Relentless as part of my mission.

We must be resilient, bouncing back from the trials we have faced and will face. To be persistent, not to be movable, but to be consistent until the end, seeing the victory, with what we are called to do as women fulfilling our destiny. We are to be relentless with our love, never waving in our passion for the Lord and others, but like a bulldog keeping our love flowing, no matter what has come against us, for faith works by love. Our faith is worthless without the love that goes with it. We are to be women of faith, for it’s impossible to please God without faith, we read in Hebrews 11:6. We are not to be moveable with what is going on around us, but to keep our eyes on our Heavenly Father, trusting, abiding, and relying on Him and being a doer of His Word, fulfilling the destiny He has called us to fulfill, for He has created us for a purpose.

Let’s look at the meaning of these words. 


is an adjective word, and the dictionary meaning is: spring back: rebounding, returning to the original form or position after being bent, compressed, or stretched, recovering readily from illness, depression, adversity, or the like: buoyant.

Of an object or material, capable of regaining its original shape or position after bending, stretching, compression, or other deformation; elastic. Of a person recovering easily and quickly from shock, illness, hardship, etc; irrepressible.

Synonyms: elastic, flexible, springy, bouncy, buoyant, strong, supple, tough, volatile.

Antonyms: delicate, weak, hard, inflexible, stiff, rigid,

More words related to resilient, to name a few, is: adaptable, airy, buoyant, effervescent, elastic, lighthearted, limber, lissome, mercurial, plastic, spongy, springy, strong, supple, tough, volatile, yielding, rubber, and long-lasting.

Buoyant meaning is, tending to float in a fluid. Capable of keeping a body afloat. Not easily depressed; cheerful. Cheering or invigorating.

Irrepressible meaning is, incapable of being repressed or restrained; uncontrollable.


is an adjective word, and the dictionary meaning is: persisting, especially in spite of opposition, obstacles, discouragement, etc; persevering: lasting or enduring tenaciously; constantly repeated; continued.

Showing persistence, incessantly repeated; unrelenting: your persistent questioning.

Synonyms: constant, continual, endless, enduring, incessant, insistent, perpetual, relentless, repeated, resolute, steadfast, steady, stubborn, tenacious, unrelenting, unremitting, determined, bulldogged, firm, fixed, immovable, in for long haul. obstinate, sticky, tireless, unshakable, perseverance, persevering.

Antonyms; broken, ceasing, disloyal, ending, inconstant, intermittent, temporary, terminable, unstable, unsteady, untrustworthy, weak, yielding, lazy, relenting, surrendering.

More words related to persistent, to name a few, is: abiding, chronic, consistent, constant, continual, diligent, durable, eternal, firm, frequent, habitual, haunting, hell-bent, importunate, incorruptible, indefatigable, insistent, lifelong, never-ending, obstinate, patient, permanent, purposeful, relentless, steady, unceasing, unfailing, unrelenting, untiring, single-minded, willful, bound and determined, clinging, around-the-clock, in-compliant, steady-going, unbendable, un-compliant,


is an adjective word, and the dictionary meaning is: that does not relent; unyielding severe, strict, or harsh; unrelenting.

Of an enemy, hostile attitude, etc, implacable; inflexible; inexorable. Of pace or intensity, sustained; unremitting.

Synonyms: determined, dogged, fierce, harsh, implacable, rigorous, ruthless, single-minded, uncompromising, unrelenting, unstoppable, unyielding, adamant, bound and determined, hang in, hang-tough, inflexible, rigid, still, strict, unbending.

Antonyms: compassionate, easy, flexible, gentle, irresolute, kind, lenient, merciful, mild, nice, nonviolent, peaceful remorseful, sympathetic, tame, tender, yielding, ending, stopping.

More words related to relentless, to name a few, is: adamant, cold-blooded, constant, continual, cruel, cutthroat, dogged, eternal, ferocious, fierce, grim, harsh, hell-bent, implacable, incessant, indefatigable, inflexible, iron, merciless, never-ending, nonstop, obstinate, on and on, persistent, ruthless, steadfast, stern, stiff, stubborn, unbending, unceasing, uncompromising, unmerciful, unmitigated, unrelenting, unyielding, vindictive, single-minded.


is an adjective word, and the dictionary meaning is: without fear; bold or brave; intrepid.

Synonyms: bold, cocky, confident, courageous, daring, gutsy, heroic, intrepid, smart, spunky, wise assured, lion-hearted, nervy, sure, undaunted, unflinching, valiant.

Antonyms: afraid, cowardly, fearful, meek, shy, stupid, timid, uncertain, unintelligent, unsure, weak, apprehensive,

More words related to fearless, to name a few, is: audacious, bold, brave, confident, courageous, daring, dashing, dauntless, gallant, game, heroic, intrepid, self-assured, self-confident, spirited, spunky, tame, undaunted, valiant, venturesome, lion-hearted, encouraged, unflinching, fortitudinous, gutsy,

Take a moment and let the Holy Spirit talk to your heart regarding these words. Do you see yourself as what is described in these words? Will you rely on the Lord to help you understand the meaning of these words and allow them to become part of you?  

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