Pursue Him

What does pursuing Him mean, and who are we pursuing?

Our Heavenly Father is the one we are pursuing. He is the one that we are to pursue with all of our hearts.

How does that look? And how do we pursue Him?

Pursuing means to follow in order, to overtake, capture, chase, follow close upon, go with, attend, strive to gain, seek to attain, or accomplish. To chase after someone or something, to follow in pursuit.

We are to follow in pursuit of our Heavenly Father like no other. Like nothing else in this world matters but Him.

Our hearts should thrive in the pursuit of him, abandoning everything else.

He is not abandoning responsibilities, but He takes preferences above our obligations. He guides and leads us on how to fulfill our commitments.

He should monopoly our thoughts, desires, and passions. We don’t make decisions without first seeking Him and His desires to make the decisions.

Matthew 6:33 tells us, “So above all, constantly seek God’s kingdom and his righteousness, then all these less important things will be given to you abundantly” (TPT)

(AMPC) But seek ([a]aim at and strive after) first of all His kingdom and His righteousness ([b]His way of doing and being right), and then all these things [c]taken together will be given you besides.

When we constantly seek Him and pursue Him with all of our hearts, then everything we need in life will come abundantly.

He desires to supply our needs and care for us as His dearest children. We are to receive as his children.

His sole purpose is to have fellowship with us. He longs for us to pursue Him, for He is waiting with open arms to receive us.

Make it about Him

There have been so many times I have made decisions without Him, and I have suffered the consequences of it. How about you?

Sometimes, I didn’t decide without first seeking Him and His desires, and I experienced a blessing of overflow. What about you?

I have noticed how much peaceful my life is when I pursue Him. When my heart and thoughts of Him, life around me may be chaos, but inner peace is within me.

In the past, I would be in seasons of pursuing Him with all my heart. And in a season where my heart isn’t in pursuit of Him. I want to keep my heart in the quest for Him in every area and moment of my life. Do you?

Every breath I inhale to be of Him, and every breath I exhale is to depose myself.

For our soul, heart, and every fiber of our being to pursue Him, we need to live a surrendered life – a crucified, holy life.

Crucified Life

A Crucified life is where we nail ourselves to the cross—putting to death our fleshly desires in exchange for Jesus’s desires.

A life of not our own, but all of His – an authentic life of a much more fulfilling life. 

  Matthew 16:25-27

25 For if you choose self-sacrifice and lose your lives for my glory, you will continually discover true life. But if you choose to keep your lives for yourselves, you will forfeit what you try to keep. 26 For even if you were to gain all the wealth and power of this world—at the cost of your own life—what good would that be? And what could be more valuable to you than your own soul?[] 27 I, the Son of Man, will one day return with my messengers[b] and in the splendor and majesty of my Father. And then I will reward each person according to what they have done.

Living a crucified life and pursuing Him is a daily, every-moment decision.

I am so grateful for our comforter, the Holy Spirit, to help us live a surrendered, crucified life in pursuit of Him.

He will guide us into all truth and show us with love and conviction the area we need to surrender to pursue our Heavenly Father with all our hearts.

A lifestyle of pursuing Him transforms our minds and converts thoughts of this world to the beliefs of Heaven—an eternity mindset we need to have.

The deceiver is trying to encourage us to keep our thoughts on the things of this world. He doesn’t want us to embrace a heavenly eternity mindset. When we operate in a heavenly perspective, we become more dangerous to him.

He can’t overcome us when we know that we are an overcomer and that this world is not all there is but a distraction from the truth. The truth is the supernatural. We are spirit beings living in a natural body.


We need to think and function in the supernatural, not the natural. We become more earthly good the more we become more heavenly-minded.

There have been sayings that we are no earthly good when we are heavenly-minded, but that’s a lie. Deception from the deceiver, for he knows how powerful we are when we are heavenly-minded.

Our minds and hearts focus on our heavenly Father when our mind is set on the heavenly realm.

Jesus said He couldn’t do anything by himself but only what He saw the Father do. John 5:19 This is the same for us.

We can’t function to the total capability without knowing the desire and purpose our Heavenly Father longs to fulfill. As we fulfill His desires, He fulfills everything we need and desire.

Pursuing Him is our first and foremost focus. A beautiful life becomes as we pursue Him.

Oh, friend, will you pursue Him with me?

I haven’t perfected the pursuit of our Heavenly Father. Still, my heart longs to do so and desires to choose daily, every moment, to pursue Him.

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