Note to Soul

Pride, a Root of Strife

Is Pride a root of strife?

According to scripture it is.

Pride can be a complex subject, but it must be discussed.

We must allow the Holy Spirit to reveal any pride in our hearts.

Sometimes, there are surprises of how much pride is in one heart, especially when one doesn’t understand the fruit of pride.

My Precious Heavenly Father, 

I choose to stop blaming others, no matter what they say or do, which is what I need to do. I decided to look inside myself and take responsibility to allow the Holy Spirit to guide me into the changes I need to make in my own life. 

I give You my heart; look in the deepest, darkest part to expose any hidden pride. 

Allowing your burning Holy Fire to burn away all forms of pride, even the manifestation fruit of self-centredness that births pride, has become my heart’s desire.

Recognizing that a self-centered person is a prideful person, manifested through arrogance or timidity – both only thinking of self can sometimes be hard to swallow.

Not obeying your word or direction in my life is also a form of pride – self-centeredness. 

I will let Your Holy Fire bring the healing I need to walk in love toward the precious soul that needs more of you. 

Also, I burn away low self-esteem as I allow my esteem to become Christ’s esteem because low self-esteem is also a form of pridefulness. 

No longer will I look to others to make me happy, but to your Holy Fire that purifies me into the contentment of a beautiful relationship with You. 

Your Loving Daughter

Scripture to read –

Wisdom opens your heart to receive wise counsel,

but pride closes your ears to advice

and gives birth only to quarrels and strife. – Proverbs 13:10

Don’t be one who is quick to quarrel,

for an argument is hard to stop,

and you never know how it will end,

so don’t even start down that road! – Proverbs 17:14

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