How to Pray



Lynne Hammond

Her prayer life began in 1972 with a simple cry of her heart: “Help me, God! I want to be able to talk to you. Please, teach me to pray!” God’s answer that night jump-started Lynne’s prayer life as well as her passion to inspire and lead others into a life of Spirit-led prayer. A teacher and an author, Lynne currently serves as the national prayer director for Daughters for Zion and the head of the prayer ministry at Living Word Christian Center, the church she and her husband founded in 1980. Under Lynne’s leadership, the prayer ministry at Living Word has become an internationally recognized model for developing effective pray-ers in the local church.  (Statement taken from her website).


Pray With


Billye Brim

Every Wednesday at noon central time.

Prayer Mountain near Branson, Missouri,  is where A place where people could come for individual prayer as they do in Korea. A secluded place where weary laborers could come for rest and refreshing. But primarily a place where seasoned prayers would lead in Holy Spirit-guided prayers concerning the work of God in the last days. (taken from her website)



Kathi Zadai

Join her on her facebook page to pray with her or at their Warrior Notes Spiritual School






Patsy Cameneti 

Patsy Behrman, she graduated from Rhema Bible Training Center in 1977 and then worked at Kenneth Hagin Ministries and Rhema Bible Training Center for 16 years as vocal director of Faith Creations, the All Faiths’ Crusades, the Director of the Prayer and Healing Center, and as an instructor at Rhema Bible Training Center. (taken from her website)


Hannah Brim   Raise Your Voice TV

A lover of God and compassionate about His heart. I graduated Rhema Bible College in Oklahoma in 2011 and served in the prayer and healing center for two years. I now work for my grandmother, Billye Brim. I head up the prayer telephone lines for the ministry, lead prayer school once a month for young adults, and travel full time with my grandmother. (taken from her website)


Phil and Fern Halverson

You can find their videos on YouTube.  Kenneth E. Hagin highly recommend them. You can learn about, the importance, and how intercessory prayer.





Books to Read