Fervent Prayers

Praying for our Husbands

We must pray over our husbands daily, for the Lord has given them a strong role as leaders, protectors, and providers of our home. They are not superior to us, for we are equal; they just function in a leadership role as those who lay down their lives and lead us to Jesus. 

Examples of prayers I pray over my husband.

Thank You, Lord, for my husband (name). I pray for him to be strong, healthy, and encouraged. May he walk with a sound mind, wisdom, and discernment in every area of his life, especially as a leader, protector, and provider. May he walk in peace and be tuned in with the voice of the Holy Spirit.

Thank You, Lord (husband’s name). We have a strong, healthy marriage. It represents Jesus and His Bride. Our hearts are growing closer together and closer to you. We fall in love with each other daily. We love honor, respect, esteem, and encourage each other daily. We put each other’s needs before our own needs. We cherish every moment together.

Lord, help me be the wife you have called me to be. To come along aside of  (husband’s name) and walk out Your heart for this marriage, fulfilling the purpose You have ordained for this beautiful union to give You all the glory. 


Thank you Lord, as (husband’s name) are united as one, may no one or forces separates our union.
Matthew 19:6

Thank you Lord, may (husband’s name) bring up our children in the training and instructions of the Lord.
Ephesians 6:4

Lord, may we love each other deeply and allow love to cover each other’s sins. May we be quick to forgive as you have forgiven us. May we not contextually bring it up before each other, but let it rest in your forgiveness. 1 Peter 4:8 and Colossians 3:13-14

Lord, your love is the crucial answer in our marriage. May we walk out what love looks like—patience, kindness, not easily angered, and not self-seeking—and allow it to display in our marriage and home.
1 Corinthians 13:4-5 and 1 Corinthians 16:14

May the sun not go down on our anger – meaning may we be quick to walk in love, forgive, and prefer the other person over our own.. Ephesians 4:26

May our bed be the chamber of purity and beautiful union before You, Lord. Holy Spirit teaches us how to love and fulfill our blissful union’s needs and desires. Hebrews 13:4






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