
Our First Night

Our first night in our fifth wheel was a night of tears. Tears from a heart missing my furry babies, home, furniture, and things of comfort.

While my kids were growing up, we were a family that trailer camped three to five times a year for three to five days at a time., but we had a home to live in. Trailer camping and trailer living are so different from each other and  my heart was experiencing it that night. We re-homed our furry babies – which was heart-wrenching – sold our home, furniture, and miscellaneous things, kept only our sentimental valuables, and placed them in a storage unit.

I had been so busy selling and making arrangements for the animals and buying a truck and fifth wheel that my heart didn’t catch up until our first night in the fifth wheel, and reality settled in. My heart wasn’t thrilled about this new season, but peace covered me, knowing we were doing what the Lord asked.

In 2019, the Lord talked to us about getting a trailer; we didn’t know when or what that would look like. It wasn’t until the fall of 2022 that the Lord started prompting our hearts to get ready to live in a trailer.
His words in my heart of selling everything, removing myself from any church commitment, and being ready at His beck and call were influential in my spirit.

With the Lord’s leadership and timing, everything fell into place in June 2023.

There are times through the Lord’s leading when it may not make sense to our natural thinking or be comfortable. But it’s the peace that guides us and helps us to act upon His command. His knowing of what our tomorrow is and our trusting and relying on Him go hand in hand. Eventually, we see the perfect plan He has for us, for it’s His goodness He has for His children when we choose to surrender to His leading with a willing and obedient heart.

Living in the fifth wheel, for me,  is a time of operating in more of a crucified life surrendering to Him. You don’t need to live in a trailer to do so; you can perfectly live a crucified surrender life in the comfort of your home. But for me, it’s something He has asked me to do.

Some individuals and families dream and act upon selling everything and living in a trailer for memories and bonding time, and it is beautiful, but it was a sacrifice for me. Owning a trailer and going out once in a while to travel, knowing I had a home to come back to, and the ability to take my furry babies with us would be more of my liking of comfort.

With a heart of willingness and obedience, we parked our fifth wheel in a beautiful RV park near Myrtle Point, Oregon, where my son, his wife, and new baby girl live; my first granddaughter born in May 2023. I quit my job in April and was able to be with the kids for a month for Elle’s birth. Then, head home to Texas and had three weeks to pack, sell, and re-home.

The beautiful RV park we are at is Remote Outpost RV. We have been here since July 6th. I highly recommend this place. It’s privately owned, and the owners are amazing. There are currently four full-timers, as the others have been here for three to four years. And, of course, the seasoned campers come in, and there are cabins to rent.

This time in Oregon has been a blessing. Being part of the first year of the grandbaby’s life and being around my adult children is a blessing. My daughter and her husband live in Washington.
My heart is receiving comfort from the Lord in this new season of life. And all the snuggles and loves to share with the new grandbaby. His love is sustaining me and preparing me for the next season He is leading us.

We are taking one day at a time at His beck and call.

What are areas in your life that He is asking for a full surrender? A heart of willingness and obedience to Him? Area in your life that needs to be crucified?

Ask the Holy Spirit to show you and be willing to give it all to Him.




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