Pursuit of His Heart

Opening Your Heart Before the Father

In years past, I would go before our beloved Heavenly Father and open my heart, exposing it before Him. I have realized that I haven’t done so in a while, so I have gone back to the place of presenting my heart before Him.

He already knows what’s in our hearts; He wants us to become aware of what’s in our hearts.

I take some quiet time before him, with my eyes closed, using my imagination.

I see myself before Him, opening up my heart, asking Him to search into the thickest, darkest part of my heart and expose all the wickedness, iniquities, and sin.

Then, I see myself in His cleansing fire, becoming purified.

Our spirit man became perfect when we were born again, embracing our beloved Heavenly Father as Lord. And our bodies will become complete when the saints rise together to meet Jesus, and our bodies will be glorified. 

In the meantime, we have a soul needing transformation. 

A transformation that’s needed daily by renewing our minds on God’s Word, allowing the Holy Spirit to bring corrections and encouragement so we can become more Christ-like in every area of our lives.

When we expose our hearts before the Father, there is no shame or condemnation but only love bestowed upon us. It pleases Him when we voluntarily come before Him, asking for His cleansing power.

We see ourselves become freer in Him when we choose to take the exposed things and turn from them. We grow closer to our beloved Heavenly Father the purer we become through His purification fire.

The more vulnerable we are before our Father, the more confident we become in who we are in Jesus. The more open and honest we are, the less we have to hide. Though the Lord knows it all, it’s not us hiding from Him, but us hiding from ourselves, wanting to ignore the exposure of darkness in our hearts.

He wants us to run to Him.

I read a quote floating through social media the other day, and it’s so true to its sayings. Here is what it says:

Religion: “I messed up. My Dad is going to kill me.”

Gospel: “I messed up. I need to call my Dad.”

The latter statement is the correct statement of our beloved Heavenly Father.

As we renew our minds into the truth of His word, knowing Jesus, who was righteous, became sin, so we, sinners, will be made righteous, changing how we see our beloved Heavenly Father.

Looking to our Heavenly Father through eyes of righteousness causes us to come boldly before Him and trust Him with our heart, allowing it to be exposed so we can become pure in Him, being more Christ-like.

Let’s go boldly before our Heavenly Father, exposing our hearts to Him and asking for His purification and cleansing. A refresh of His presence will pour over us, giving us the confidence we need.

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