
My Mother

I am breaking one of my rules of no computer in my bedroom, as I try to keep all my work in my office and only relaxing novels by my bed to read before bedtime.

But with family coming together this Weekend and my precious daughter coming in tomorrow, I have my computer in bed, trying to get my work done so I can focus on family. For…..

This Weekend is Mother’s Day, A celebration of all women who are biological, adoptive, or spiritual mothers.

It is a time that we honor the women in our lives who have influenced and departed themselves into us.

 “Honor your father and your mother, as the LORD your God has commanded you, so that you may live long and that it may go well with you in the land the LORD your God is giving you. Deuteronomy 5:16 NIV

My siblings and I were close to not celebrating Mother’s Day with our dear mother this year. A month ago, she was within a day or hours away from slipping from this earth and entering our heavenly home for eternity.

She had a severe case of urinary tract infection that got into her kidney and bloodstream, and she was admitted into the ICU for twenty-four hours to monitor before she was released into a standard room of the hospital. The doctor informed the family that if she waited another day to come to the hospital, she most likely wouldn’t be living.
She was near to not being in our presence, talking, laughing, and enjoying each other as a whole family here on this earth, becoming near to being in Jesus’s sweet presence.

Seeing her in the ICU room, with her body being so weak as the fever was taking hold of her, and not being coherent at times. I felt an overwhelming peace. It was knowing that she was going to be okay. Knowing that this is just something we are walking through fearlessly, for the victory is ours, she will pull through this.
I am not sure if she was aware of herself doing this, but while in the ICU room, I could see her mouth moving, praying quietly to herself. She was battling and standing on God’s word of His promise for her healing that belongs to her, which transpired two thousand years ago through the Calvary.

We were able to be in and stay in peace because my mother could pray with calmness and boldness and not out of desperation.

We have been disciplined to seek the truth of God’s word daily. We are embracing the word, hiding it in our hearts, and allowing it to transform our minds. The word was able to come forth in the time of our need for healing, to do the battle that needed to be done, as it is sharper than a two-edged sword, Hebrews 4:12.

We also knew from God’s Word the power of our words. For life and death are in the power of the tongue, Proverbs 18:21. So, we only spoke life over her and didn’t take any adverse reports from the doctor to heart, but honor his profession, wisdom, and help; and kept the word of God in our heart, speaking thy word only.

I so appreciate the skills and knowledge of doctors. They have helped me and my family. I submerge any adverse reports into the Word of God until positive reports are manifested.

My mother was able to be dismissed from the hospital after four days and has been recovering exceedingly in the comfort of her home, standing on God’s Word for complete healing and heeding the instructions of the doctor.

I thank the Lord for His Word and the ability for us to be able to stand on it and receive His healing touch. He gives life and more life abundantly, John 10:10

I appreciate God’s love that sustains us in that hour of need and brings us through.
I am grateful for another year of celebrating my mother.

I love and appreciate my mother, who has embraced this life fearlessly, as I got to watch her firsthand growing up.

She didn’t grow up in a strong, healthy family. Choose to press through all the pain and disappointment of her growing-up years.
To embrace the truth of God’s word and receive His unconditional love. She received healing in her own heart so her children could grow up in a healthier environment than she grew up in.
She has sacrificed countless hours of sleep.
To serve her children and help them in their hour of need.
To cultivate and train her children to live a fearless life, following God no matter the cost.
She is teaching her children to keep God’s Word first place in their lives and hidden in their hearts.
She has humbled herself before her children by admitting her faults, asking for forgiveness, and following through with making the change.

I so appreciate and love my mother:
For giving her time to help me receive my healing when I came out of the unhealthy situation of several years
For teaching me how to keep a home clean and organized.
For teaching me how not to allow my emotions to dictate my decisions but to take all my decisions through God’s word.
For not giving up on me but fighting for me through prayer in different accounts of my life.
For encouraging me not to give up but to keep fighting the fight when I wanted to give up.
For encouraging me to care for myself so I can care for my family.
For teaching me to keep God first in my life.

Thank you, Mom, for all you have done, all the sacrifices, all the love, and all the instructions.

Love you,
Your number 1 child of 5 children.

“Life doesn’t come with a manual, it comes with a mother.” – unknown

Update as of January 2024.  My warrior mother went home to our heavenly home January of 2022.


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