
Loving Relationship

We all want a strong, healthy, and loving relationship, especially with our loved ones.

The excellent news is that you Can. Do you want to know what the secret is?

I will tell you the secret. It’s simple. But it depends on choices.
How meaningful is a healthy relationship for you? How much do you desire for it? How much will you sacrifice for it? Will you be a doer of God’s Word for it? How much effort will you put into the secret of it?

Here is the Secret for a Loving Relationship

Are you ready?  

We find the Secret in Matthew 22:37-40.

The Love Commandment, this is the secret of a loving relationship.

 Love your God with all of your heart, soul, and mind.

The second is like it, love your neighbor as you do of yourself.

So you see the secret is:

First, you need to Love God with every fiber of your being and know His Love for you. When you do this, you will develop a deep love for God, our beloved Heavenly Father.

It’s a mutual, deep, intimate daily relationship together.

 Secondly, through knowing God has a love for you, you will develop a love for yourself through His love. 

You can’t pour out love toward others until there is a fullness of God’s love in you and you love and accept yourself first. 

Thirdly, you fall in love with others around you. Regardless of whether they love you back or not, 

We need to be so confident in God’s love; it overshadows the pain and disappointment of not receiving love in return, encouraging us to be persistent with loving others and rejoicing when we receive love.

We need to be fearless with our love., walking in relentless love toward others daily. 

The Love Chapter 1 Corinthians 13:4-8, talks about what a loving relationship looks.

Let’s take a quick look at it.

Love is patience (means consistency), love is kind (considerate), does not envy (covetous), does not boast, is not proud, it does not dishonor others, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. Love always protects trust, hopes and preserves. Love never fails.
When individuals lay down their flesh and walk out this love for each other, it’s beautiful and precious.

When you display this kind of love, you will find more love in your heart and overflowing.

When two married couples share this kind of love for each other, the marriage becomes a Blissful Marriage.

I know I am experiencing a beautiful, blissful marriage, as my beloved husband and I have chosen to do everything possible to only display love and respect toward each other.

Showing love toward each other is causing us to find more love to share and respect developing in our hearts toward each other.
When parents with their children walk in this kind of love, it’s a joy being together.

I know I have been experiencing this love between my children and me.
We can do this; we can walk in this kind of love. With Jesus, we can do all things.

Maybe you are already walking in this love; keep stepping in it and allow it to grow.

Maybe you realize that you aren’t walking in this kind of love. Maybe there’s hurt or distrust because something in your life is hindering your relationship with God.

No matter what the circumstances are, go to God. Never run from Him. He is the safest place to be, and nothing you do or do will ever change His love for you.

You are precious in God’s sight. God longs for you and wants a profoundly intimate relationship with you. His love for you will bring healing and wholeness into your life, making you a new, utterly confident person so you can walk in a loving relationship.

We attract what we are, not what we want. If we are walking in love, we will attract love. If we walk in an unloving way, we will draw unloving ways.

So, walk in love, and you will receive love in return.

“We do not attract what we want, but what we are.” – James Lane Allen

You are much loved, and nothing will ever change that.

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