Note to Soul

Let Go of Fear

Fear is a danger to the soul. 

Fear, a counterfeit of faith, a tool used by the prince of this world to kill, still, and destroy. 

Believe it or not, some find comfort in fear.  

Why? It’s because of a place of familiarity.  

Their soul knows no other but fear. A soul who has grown up with fear can’t feel a life outside of horror.  

They don’t know peace is capable of safety, security, and calmness. It’s foreign and uncomfortable for the soul. For their soul only knows torment. 

When one soul cries out to the Lord for His continual help, the Lord comes to the rescue. 

Trust fills the soul when they go before the Heavenly Father with an open hand, raised arms in surrender, eyes fixing on His eyes, gazing in His Glory.

Receiving His loving touch, the soul finds healing. Find freedom — made whole. 

 Sweet Peace.

The soul relaxes enough to know and familiarize itself with peace. Welcome peace as a new precious friend, disregarding fear as an enemy.  

The soul finds its body relaxing in healing, releasing the unaware build-up of tension, slowly killing.  

Soon, peace becomes the comfort to the soul, and fear becomes the uncomfortableness, foreign.  

A life of freedom becomes a new way for the soul to snicker at bondage. 

The loving arms of the Heavenly Father become the delight, chasing away the horror.

The kiss of the Heavenly Father places memories of goodness, wiping away memories of dreadful.  

The familiarity of fear is no longer known to the soul; only peace is the familiarity known.

For God did not give us a spirit of timidity or cowardice or fear, but [He has given us a spirit] of power and of love and of sound judgment and personal discipline [abilities that result in a calm, well-balanced mind and self-control]. 2 Timothy 1:7 (AMP)


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