Note to Soul

It’s Deeper than Sex Trafficking

I am doing in-depth research about what’s happening right under our noses, deep underground. I have been for the past year. 

I have only scratched the surface as it’s much deeper than I realize and I wanted to believe. 

There are some things I have known over the years, but not the depth of it. 

Things that have been going on for what we think decades but in reality for centuries, close to the beginning of time, are just in a broader, bolder way of late. 

Sex trafficking is a small part of what’s going on. The increase of missing children are precious souls kidnapped and sold into satanic worship. Satanic worship details are gruesome. 

In my moment of tears and crying out to God for justice, I sense Him whisper to my heart, saying, “Focus on me, and I will deal with the evil corruption.” 

Friends, walking away from religion, idolizing successful individuals, and embracing a relationship with our precious Jesus is the only way. 

There is so much lying and manipulation going on—boldface lying on T.V. and online. Censoring the truth so evil ones can control the population is their plan. 

Hidden underlying codes in Hollywood movies and music are secretly programming our minds. Listening to those trying to expose the deep darkness of Holywood made my stomach sick. 

Dumb-down education trying to get away from history and twisting the truth of science are their way of shaping young people’s minds. 

The medical and pharmaceutical fields are no exception to corruption. The mask mandate is known as playing into a bigger lie. Abortion is sacrificial to the dark realm. 

The bank system of debit and credit scores are all part of the massive evil corruption. 

So many individuals we are to trust have sold their souls to the devil in exchange for wealth and fame.  

These individuals are in the government, education, medical field, and entertainment industry and are entrepreneurs of wealth, and some are world religious leaders. 

It’s sicking and demonic—all are working together to usher the final one-world government and AntiChrist.

This evil movement can’t prevail against the Church. It can only reach its fullness after Jesus captures His Church as His warrior bride—the Glorious Church. 

There is a glorious movement here, where we see the Hand of God taking place—a time when the world will see God’s hand move upon them. God’s hand of love will move, spreading His love and justice. 

Those who cry out with a repentance heart will experience His hand of love, and those who choose to keep a dark heart will experience His hand of justice. 

Are we ready for the move of God’s hand? 

Have we opened up our hearts to the Holy Spirit to search deep to expose the deepest, darkest part and bring it to light so we live a repentant, holy lifestyle? 

Are we willing to stand in the gap for our loved ones, praying the blood of Jesus upon them so only the hand of love moves upon them and not justice? 

I encourage you to join me in turning off the T.V. Embrace more time in prayer and intimate fellowship with Jesus. 

We are on our knees in prayer over those exposing this evil corruption and the victim and their families. We must call for every evil corruption and lies to be exposed and torn down. 

If you need to stay up with the world to a degree, find your source on the Telegram app, but make sure God’s Word is your definitive source taken daily. 

Let’s ensure we are ready to embrace the movement of God’s hand across this world and welcome new souls in God’s Kingdom with open, loving arms as many souls return to God before the coming of Jesus. 

We are in the middle of a war. Like nothing seen before and not used with physical weapons but weapons of words. Words of truth and lies are fighting against each other. 

It’s time for the Church to stand up, roar, and take back what the enemy has stolen. It’s time to stop sitting around thinking someone else will take care of things. 

The Church needs to get involved within the government, education, medical, entertainment, and banks and preach the pure gospel of truth instead of sugar-coating feel-good messages. 

Intercessors are needed. The Church needs teachings about covering loved ones – especially children, with the Blood of Jesus. We need to pray for our country. 

Allow the Holy Spirit to guide you in search of the truth, and be wise. Allow Him to show you how you play a part and walk it.

Scriptures I am pondering in my heart, and I want to share them with you. 

Psalms 7:15-17 TPT

They dig a pit for others to fall into,

    not knowing that they will be the very ones

    who will fall into it?

Every pit-digger who works to trap and harm others

    will be trapped by his own treachery.

But I will give my thanks to you, Yahweh,

    for you make everything right in the end.

    I will sing my highest praise to the God of the Highest Place!

Psalms 37:13-15

God laughs at the wicked and their plans,

    for he knows their day is coming!

Evil ones aim at the poor and helpless;

    they are ready to slaughter those who do right.

But the Lord will turn all their weapons of wickedness back on themselves,

    piercing their pride-filled hearts until they are helpless.

With Love and Blessings,


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