Your Purpose

Is There a Tugging on Your Heart

The Lord’s leading tugs the Heart.  

There are specific things He has put on the heart for the owner of the heart to fulfill. A unique destiny explicitly designed for the one He has called.

There is no other destiny alike, for every precious one created by the creator is built in their own unique, valuable way.

No call – a beautiful gift displayed is more significant than another gift. 

 The church needs all gifts, vital as they are, required to make it whole, a beautiful bride for Jesus. Every gift works together toward a dream buried deep in the creator’s heart. 

There is evilness who despises the masterpiece of the creator. 

 The evil one comes to the heart to place distractions, discouragement of inadequacy, and fear of rejection and the unknown. 

The creator qualifies the one called; the one called doesn’t have to qualify first to fulfill the creator’s wishes. 

Every one of His creations is made to something great, to something higher than itself, to do more beyond its strength, causing the one called to rely only on the creator and not on oneself. 

The heart has to go to the battlefield of the mind. In that battle, the heart will either embrace the discouragement from the evil one or welcome encouragement from the creator.

 Humanity has a choice to fulfill: Its desire or the desires of its creator. 

Choosing to fulfill the creator’s desires is more fulfilling than one’s desires. While fulfilling the creator’s desires, they found their wishes fulfilled beyond what was imagined. 

When one chooses to listen to the discouragement of the evil one, a life of unfulfillment and dissatisfaction fills the heart, and mediocrity becomes the way of life, a hindrance between the creation and the creator. 

One embracing fear of rejection and the unknown, selfishness settles in one heart. 

One chooses to trust and rely on the creator, embracing the unknown selflessly – an act of love fills the heart. 

The heart has a choice daily: to go with the tugging from the creator or stray away. 

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