Pursuit of His Heart

I Choose to Trust in You, My Lord

I know, Lord, I haven’t always trusted in you. There were times I trusted more in money than you. I have trusted in what people said more than what your word says. At one point, I trusted more in my abilities than in your abilities, which superseded my abilities.

I come before you, Lord, and repent for the times of trusting in other things and circumstances instead of trusting in you.

Help me, Holy Spirit, to keep my heart in complete trust and rely only upon my Lord; I choose to surrender fully to my precious Lord.
I give my heart to You, Lord, so our hearts will become one.

Proverbs 3:5-7 in the Passion translations says

Trust in the Lord completely,

    and do not rely on your own opinions.

    With all your heart rely on him to guide you,

    and he will lead you in every decision you make.

6 Become intimate with him in whatever you do,

    and he will lead you wherever you go.[a]

7 Don’t think for a moment that you know it all,[b]

    for wisdom comes when you adore him with undivided devotion

    and avoid everything that’s wrong.

Your word says that we are to trust in You ultimately, Lord. When we choose not to trust you, we walk in disobedience, which is a form of sin.

I also read that we are not to rely on our own opinions. I understand why. It’s because our views are not always correct, but you are forever correct, for you are all-knowing. And it’s the Holy Spirit that leads us into all-knowing. We need to depend on Him to guide us.

A longing in my heart to be intimate with You, Lord, will be fulfilled as I pursue You. As I follow You, You will guide me into the purpose you have written for me to fulfill. The story You have written of me.

I have realized that I need Your wisdom in every decision, and I ask for Your understanding of all decisions.
Spending time at your feet in Your presence is where I gather the knowledge for the future. It’s where You speak to my heart of Your heart desires for me to accomplish for Your glory to become revealed to others.
Spending time in your word and learning your ways is where I learn how to become more like You.

Choosing to trust and rely entirely upon You is what I choose, giving the Holy Spirit permission to guide me no matter what or how it looks. I keep my eyes focused on You, my precious Jesus.

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