Note to Soul

How Do We Love Ourselves?

I have learned that I need to be able to love myself before I can truly love others. 

Before I can truly love my husband, he needs to receive Love from me before I can love and train my kids how they need me to love and train them.  

 I can’t pour into someone else’s life if I have nothing to give. I can’t give Love if I don’t have Love first.  

The best place to learn and receive Love is from the one who is Love, our Beloved, Heavenly Father Himself. He is Love, according to 1 John 4:8. 

We only know what true, pure Love is by having a personal relationship with Him.  

I sought truth and dug deep into God’s Word to receive a profound revelation of His Love for me. I spent a quality quantity of time in deep, secret, intimate time with my Heavenly Father, allowing Him to show me how much He loves me. 

There is a difference between knowing God loves you in your intellect knowledge and knowing He loves you sincerely in your heart through revelation.  

I cannot explain the difference between head knowledge and revelation knowledge in your heart, but you know when you receive revelation knowledge in your heart. You can see and feel the difference.  

Becoming so real, and you know in your heart without any doubt. No one can convince you any other way. You hold on to that revelation knowledge in your heart like a bulldog holding on, no matter what.  

While seeking God’s face and knowing who He is, I receive revelation and knowledge that I am standing with Him. No matter what I have done. Jesus made it possible for me to be in the right standing with our Heavenly Father.  

Jesus became sin and knew no sin, so we who knew no righteous can be righteous in right standing with God.  


For our sake He made Christ [virtually] to be sin Who knew no sin, so that in and through Him we might become [[a]endued with, viewed as being in, and examples of] the righteousness of God [what we ought to be, approved and acceptable and in right relationship with Him, by His goodness]. 2 Corinthians 5:21 (AMPC)

I had to know in my heart that no matter what I had done, I was in right standing with our Heavenly Father through the blood of Jesus, and He wanted me to come to Him the way I was.  

For it’s through His love that I become what I am.  

I realized I could go boldly into God’s throne room and crawl into His lap, snuggle up into His arms, lay my head upon His chest, and allow Him to flood me with His love.  

 Let us, therefore, come boldly to the throne of grace, that we may obtain mercy and find grace to help in time of need.  Hebrews 4:16 (NKJV)

He wants to help us. He doesn’t want us to wait to go to Him when we think we are perfect enough because, in reality, we will never be perfect enough. That’s part of the reason Jesus died for us, so we are made perfect through Him.  

When I was able to go boldly into the throne room to our Heavenly Father, and know Him as Love, and receive His Love., I was able to love myself.

I was able to choose to forgive and love me. It came easy to do so because I revealed God’s Love for me.  

When I could see how God sees me, it freed me to love and accept me for who I am.

I could forgive and love myself for all my imperfections, mistakes, and failures. Accept me. Enjoy me. Wanting to be around me, embracing all my flaws, knowing I am made perfect in God’s eyes.

I no longer saw myself as a failure, a mistake, unwanted, and invaluable. 

Yes, I still make mistakes and don’t do everything right.  

But I can pick myself up, dust myself off, and walk forward again.  

Sometimes, I am shaky as I move forward, especially if someone has rejected me. But knowing I am never rejected by the one that matters most, our Heavenly Father, keeps me to get more stabilized and move forward. 

To love yourself, you must know love, our Beloved Heavenly Father. 

You need to know His love for you. To be able to do so. You must be determined to seek the truth about His love and ask the Holy Spirit to help and guide you into all truth in God’s word about His love. 

 You must spend quality time seeking His face and embracing His love for you. It may take some time, but He will honor and show you if you are persistent.  

 You need to know how God sees you.  

When you know God’s love for you in your heart of revelation, then you can love yourself.  

When you love yourself, you are free to be able to ……….

More to come in the next post. “Free to Love”


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