Daily Confessions

Health Confessions by Don Nicholson

As I write this, my father, Pastor Don Nicholson, will be 73 years of age this year, 2024. He is in perfect health and weight training like he did in his 40s. He also makes daily confessions about his body and mind and lives the fruit of it.
Pastor Don Nicholson has been in ministry for over fifty years. He has pastored several churches and operates powerfully in the teaching anointing. He also coaches others on developing a healthy physical body and mental mindset through his forty years of keeping his body in shape.
You can reach him at his email donnicholson1@msn.com or visit his website at Living Faith Fellowship. 


Prayer is declaring what God has already spoken. Father God has already released every spiritual  blessings to man, Eph. 1:3. Faith is receiving what God has already provided. If you ask God to  move on your behalf to save, heal, deliver you from the power of the enemy, you are not in faith,  

Rom. 10:6-10. Asking God to heal you, indicates you do not believe God has already provided  healing. Grace contains all the blessings of salvation. You receive grace by faith, Eph. 2:8. 

Father God I bow and reverence your name. 

I receive Your Kingdom in my life. 

Your will be done in my life in accordance with Your will in heaven. 

Father I receive the spirit of wisdom and revelation in the knowledge of You. My mind is enlightened, so that I may know what is the hope of Your calling for my life, what  are the riches of the glory of Your inheritance for me and what is the exceeding greatness of Your  supernatural power working in my soul, so that I am being rooted and grounded in love, that I  may be filled with all the fullness of You Father, in accordance with Your authority and dominion  power.  

I am physically as I was at 45; 

Hair follicles come alive producing thick dark hair; 

Body increase in levels of Testosterone; 

I command my metabolism to increase; 

I command all my arteries to be cleansed from from plaque; 

Heart you are strong, my blood pressure is 120/80 

Brain you are cleansed from negativity, I have perfect memory; 

Eyes you are 20/20; 

I have perfect hearing;  

All my organs work perfectly to cleanse my body and strengthen my immune system; 

I have forsaken houses and career for the gospel sake — I receive a hundred fold return. The Blessing of the Lord makes me rich. 

Grace includes financial riches — by faith I receive God’s grace. 

Jesus has been made wisdom to me — wisdom contains long life and riches and wealth. 

I live out of my faith, positioned as a joint-heir with Jesus Christ — I receive Kingdom authority  to supersede natural laws in order to live an abundant life promised by my Lord Jesus Christ. 

I have authority over sickness, lack, over all the power of the enemy. 

Ps. 103:5, Mat. 6:9-10, Eph. 1:17-19, 3:16-20, Col. 1:9-11, Mark 10:30, 1Cor. 1:30, Pro.  3:13,16, Rom. 1:17, Rom. 8:17, Eph. 2:6, John 14:12, Luke 10:19, Mark 16:18,

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