Your Purpose

Have You Ever Felt like You No Longer Wanted to Live?

Ever felt there was no reason for you to be alive?

That you don’t have anything to offer? You are just taking up space that could be used for someone who deserves to live more than you? 

Do you ever feel like you have nothing to offer? Perhaps you feel as though you cause more pain than good to others. 

Maybe you feel like your voice is never heard because you sense that no one is interested in listening to your words. So, you believe that you don’t have anything valuable to say. 

Has there ever been a strong feeling deep inside you of not feeling wanted but rejected, not valued but a piece of poop? To say it without cussing. 

There is an overwhelming sensation of wanting to die, but yet afraid to die, but realizing the more you think of how better off everyone else is or wouldn’t notice if you are gone, the less fear of dying and a greater boldness to leave this world rises.

Hate toward yourself and anger toward others rule your heart as you don’t see or feel the value of you, believing that others don’t as well. 

Isolation becomes your way of life as you try to shield yourself from pain from others and even yourself. Unfortunately, you can’t isolate yourself from your person as you have to live with yourself. So, you hurt yourself by abusing yourself. 


The abuse comes in different forms of speaking destructive words to yourself. Cut your flesh so that pain speaks louder than the deep pain inside. Alcohol and drugs give you a moment to forget the deep hurt you can’t seem to get rid of. 

Some believe the lies of not being valuable are so bedded in them that no matter how many times someone expresses their love to them, the lies speak louder in their heart than the truth. 

Some haven’t taken their life due to wanting to hold on longer for their kids, parents, or the one who is hurting like them, trying to keep them alive. Some haven’t yet because of the power of prayer from another. 

Some feel like taking their life but receive healing only to find themselves years later fighting the urge again to live or not to live. 

It’s a vicious demonic cycle that’s broken through the Love of God and staying in His love. 

An enemy hates us…

….and wants to see us destroyed and finds pleasure in seeing us destroy ourselves. 

The enemy’s goal is to deceive us from the revelation of God’s love for us and our true purpose. 

The truth is, you are loved and wanted dearly by the creator. He created you for a purpose. He dreamed about you and talked about you before the foundation of the world. 

It’s up to us what we are going to believe. Will we believe the lies of the enemy who steals, kills, and destroys? Or will we accept the one who created us to have a relationship with Him? 

Taking time to come into the presence of Jesus to lay down all the burdens and sensations of not wanting to live at His feet and allow Him to saturate you with His love will break the lies the enemy has placed in your mind. Then, we fill our hearts with the love of Jesus, and it sets us free to live and want to live fully. 

We have to get a hold of the profound revelation of how valuable we are and precious in the sight of God. We need to trust God’s love more than the deceiver’s lies. 


1John 4:16 (TPT

We have come into an intimate experience with God’s love, and we trust in the love He has for us. 

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