Note to Soul

Grim Reaper

Looking into the mirror on top of my dresser was not the reflection of me staring back, but the spirit of death, the grim reaper.

The Realness of the Grim Reaper

The times I saw the grim reaper instead of my reflection have occurred more than I could count.

Not only did I see it in my mirror, but I also saw the evil form in my closet.

The grim reaper wasn’t the only one I saw. I saw many other demonic forms that came and visited me when I was a child, a few times in my teen years, and other times in my adult years.

I saw skulls in the trees laughing at me outside my bedroom window and cat eyes on my bedroom wall. I saw other things that are to be talked about another time.

The Spiritual Realm

What is more accurate than the natural realm? The spirit realm. Everything we see in the natural realm was born from the spiritual realm.

There are things in the spiritual realm we can’t see with our natural eyes. Spiritual beings are one of them –that we can only see when our spiritual eyes are open.

Beautiful spirit beings known as Angels from God, called ministering spirits, to minister for humankind.

There are evil spirits whose sole purpose is to destroy humanity.

Specific individuals have seen in the spirit realm and have looked upon these spirit beings — I am one of those individuals.

There is an unpopular topic among believers’ circles that is not discussed very often. An issue is avoided, or it has been taken out of portion, making the demonic realm more powerful than it is.

The demonic realm has no power over you except what you give them. 

They try to convince you they have power over you, but it is all lies and deception. They only can do what you believe they can do. As long as we don’t believe in them but put our belief in the Lord, we can overcome them.

There is Nothing to Fear

We find comfort for our hearts in the following scripture in 2 Timothy 1:7.

God will never give you the spirit of fear, but the Holy Spirit, who gives you mighty power, love, and self-control.  – (TPT)

Knowing God doesn’t give us fear but a sound mind; we can always call out to Him in times of trouble, resting in the reassurance that we can rest in His peace.

Spirit of fear is an enemy of God, and it paralyzes believers, those who choose to give into it instead of trusting in God.

When we choose to resist fear and all of its cohort, it has to flee, according to James 4:7

We Have The Victory

When people have embraced Jesus as their Lord and Savior, they have the greater one living in them.

1 John 4:4 tells us

John 16:33

I have told you these things, so that in Me you may have [perfect] peace. In the world you have tribulation and distress and suffering, but be courageous [be confident, be undaunted, be filled with joy]; I have overcome the world.” [My conquest is accomplished, My victory abiding.] – (AMP)

Jesus has overcome it all for us and gave us the victory.

We have the keys to living a victorious life if we choose to, by choosing to live God’s way, as shown in His Word.

Staring into the face of the grim reaper

I couldn’t look at pictures of the human skeleton without a flashback of staring into the eyes of the Grim Reaper.

It was not until my mid-twenties that I was set free from the grip of the trauma experiences.

I used to believe that the demonic realm had power over me, but the more I renewed my mind on God’s word, the more I came to know and understand, grasping a profound revelation. They don’t. And Jesus has given me all authority over them, for He has stripped them from any jurisdiction and presented it to me.

Why am I talking about the Grim Reaper?

Because the spirit realm is a reality, and we can’t afford to be ignorant, we must come to awareness and know how to live the way God has called us.

And because I see more and more skeleton art on clothing and things. As the world becomes darker, more of the Grim Reaper is becoming known. Maybe not in a way like he made himself known to me, but through other avenues.

Also, because of Halloween. More and more people are celebrating Halloween, not knowing the entire understanding of what’s behind it. That’s another piece of information to look upon and research on your own with the leading of the Holy Spirit.

There is peace in knowing we have authority over the Grim Reaper; in fact, we can laugh at him, knowing there is nothing he can do that we don’t allow him.

I want to encourage you to know how much more accurate the spirit realm is than the natural realm and seek the Holy Spirit to reveal to you how the spirit realm functions.

Because you aren’t a body with a spirit, the real you is the spirit living in the body.


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