Your Purpose

God, Are You in Control?

Dear Heavenly Father,

I wince and sense a fury rising within my heart every time I hear the words, ‘God is in Control.” This is a statement I hear so often in the Christian circle. The message is so loosely said I wonder if they truly understand the meaning. Because of this statement fought for and against, there are divisions in churches and families. 

God is a sovereign God; they say to defend the “God is in Control” statement.  

Yes, God, my precious Heavenly Father, you are Sovereign, and because of Your Sovereignty, You won’t go back on Your Word but stay true to Your word. True to the authority You gave us, Your beloved children, whom You made through Your love, in Your image, to dominate this world – rule, reign, and subdue it, according to (Genesis 1:26-28) 

Then, in return, we gave our Dominion over to satan. Thank You for Your loving forgiveness and redeeming us when we didn’t deserve it – when we turned away from You. 

 Through satan’s narcissism, he deceived Eve – causing her to question and doubt You. How many times have I asked or doubted You? Please show me the Holy Spirit whenever I question or doubt my Heavenly Father. In Your Word 2 Corinthians 4:4, that satan became the god of this world. But, I can rejoice to know that I can live a victorious life as an overcomer over the god of this world through the redemption of the cross. According to Colossians 2:15, what Jesus did at the cross, love for the Father and humanity was giving himself as a living sacrifice—making a public display of how the evil forces operating against us now are disarmed and can’t touch us 2:15. Thank you, Jesus, for overcoming this word so that we can live a victorious life. (John 16:33)

Heavenly Father, You gave humanity authority to subdue this world, not one another, but this world. Please show me how to walk in Dominion. You have given me. I know You have not given humanity Your sovereignty, the ability to override what You have set in stone. But the authority to carry out what You have put in place. You made Heaven and Earth and gave us the power to make Earth like Heaven, bring Heaven here on Earth, and replicate You as Your beloved children. 

You have given us free will, whom You call Your beloved children, breathed out of Your being into this world to be like You, imitating Your ways. This same free will can also imitate the ways of satan, his evil, destructive ways. We choose every day, every hour, every minute whom we will imitate. Holy Spirit, help me only to imitate God and His love. Because of this free will, humanity can choose what they will believe. I choose to think and hunger for the truth of Your word. One of the greatest deceptions is not knowing when one is. Holy Spirit, expose every deception I have believed. Bring to light every lie that is bedded deep within my heart that I have thought so I can repent and embrace the truth of God’s heart. 

Heavenly Father, are you controlling what happens in my life? Do you control everything here on Earth?

With the beauty of Heaven with no sickness or sorrow but only love and peace, and no residue of the pain of brokenness – no trait of evilness but only goodness filling the atmosphere of Heaven. And down here on Earth, the pain of brokenness, evil of hearts, sickness, despair, hopelessness, to name a few. Heavenly Father, if you controlled this world, you would be considered a hypocrite. A hypocrite says and does two different things. How can You be faithful to Your word if Heaven is full of goodness and the Earth is full of evilness? It’s no different when a person acts one way in their home and another in public; they would be considered a hypocrite. So, one who says God is in total control of this world says that God is a hypocrite. I will not give my heart to one who is a hypocrite. I wouldn’t give my heart to a God who will lie.  

But, I can give my heart to You, my precious Heavenly Father. I can pursue after Your heart because You are not a God who can lie. You are not a hypocrite, for You are a trustworthy, just, and honest God. (Titus 1:2, Hebrews 6:18) And hypocrites are liars. Show me Holy Spirit where I am a hypocrite. I choose to surrender to Your Holy Fire of purification. 

Thank You, Lord, for showing me in Psalms 37:23 that You only order our steps through our obedience to You. You only direct the efforts of the godly, those you delight in because they have surrendered their free will to You in a trusting relationship – ones who have not submitted their free will to You and choose to live their own life the way they see fit or through the enemy’s deception. You do not order their steps. Holy Spirit, look deep in my heart and show me where I have not fully surrendered my life to the Heavenly Father, allowing Him to guide my steps. So many believe that whatever happens in their life was ordered by You, but the scriptures clearly say that You order only the ones in obedience. So, when I choose not to walk in obedience to Your ways, those disobedience steps are not collected by You but influenced by the enemy’s deception, leading to the pathway of destruction. 

Heavenly Father, if You are in control of this world like the Christian circle says, why would we need to fight a good fight of faith? Why would we need to fight against evilness? Through Paul’s writing, I read in Your word how much we have to fight a good fight of faith (1 Timothy 6 12), which enforces victory. We are taking our promises and standing against the wiles of the enemy (Ephesians 6:11) who has stolen our inheritance. Building ourselves up on our most Holy Faith. (Jude 20)

Why would a God who knows how to give good gifts to His children more than a human who gives good gifts to their children, according to Matthew 7:11, allow destruction to His precious children? If You are in total control, then there is no reason to read Your Word, pray, or build up godly character. God, if You are in control when you allow sickness to come upon our bodies and we see a doctor, then we are going against Your will and in disobedience, and Jesus was a hypocrite for healing while He was here on Earth. 

 There is a reason why Jesus healed on this Earth and raised people from the dead. A reason why He died on the cross is more than salvation but Sozo – healing, deliverance, made whole. There is a reason why Your Word is full of encouragement to become more like You and to live a victorious life.  

Heavenly Father, You gave us commandments and the blessings and curses that come with obedience and disobedience to Your ways—telling us what we can’t and can do, which You must honor. If You don’t keep Your word, You will be a hypocrite. You tell us not to harm one another but to love and encourage one another. When one brings destruction to another, they have consequences for their actions. A god who says not to be destructive toward a fellow kind, and he brings destruction to one, is a hypocrite. You are not a God of lies, my precious Heavenly Father. You are a God of justice, truth, and honor.  

Lord, the majority in the Christian circle, quotes what Jobe said in Job 1:21, “the Lord gave, and the Lord has taken away.” But, Jesus never validated that statement, according to John 10:10, and Job ended up repenting for falsely accusing God of doing wrong. (Job 42:3,6)

Oh, Heavenly Father, I permit You to continue to teach me the truth of Your word as I pursue Your Heart. I surrender to You and Your ways to become more like Jesus. I embrace the ways of fighting a good fight of faith, enforcing victory as an overcomer. I choose to receive all Your promises of goodness and resist the evilness of this world. I believe You are a good God who has given Your children the authority with free will to rule and reign in this world and a heart to show us how to live above this world as one in it but not of it.  

We are to be imitators of You (John 10:34-35, Psalms 82:6). 

Lord, You are not in control of this world, but satan and You have given us the tools to take back our authority and subdue this world. The only way You can be in control is by surrendering one’s life to You, allowing You to ordain their steps – which very few have done. Many haven’t, some have submitted a few areas of their lives, and very few have surrendered the fullness of their life. Please help me, Holy Spirit, to be the few. Many called, but few were chosen. I want to be part of the chosen one. (Matthew 22:14)

Your Loving Daughter,


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