Note to Soul

Fighting the Fight of Faith, Receiving What Belongs to Us

Our greatest battle is within ourselves. 

Spirit and soul wrestle with each other as the spirit wants to live a life pleasing to our beloved Heavenly Father – His way. The soul seeks to please itself, living in a sense realm, fulfilling its desires.

Tears pool in my eyes as it threatens to stream down my cheeks, and I allow it before I remember the hidden truth of God’s Word in my heart.

” Be anxious for nothing, for I knew what you needed before you ever knew. I have already met all your needs.” – Philippians 4:6-8 and Matthew 6:8

I purposely stopped the tears and wiped my face. I gathered my pose and trusted and relied on Him as my provider.

Even though my senses cried out against trusting in Him, for the bill that looked impossible to pay was staring back at me.

I chose to believe His whispers of truth instead of the hints of the deceiver’s lies.

The deceiver comes to whisper his deceptive lies to our souls – the soul sense awakens and believes.

The soul cries out to live by what it sees and feels – the natural realm.

The spirit cries out to live by supernatural faith – the spirit realm, where we don’t see naturally but live by faith.

The whispers of God awaken and strengthen our spirit through His living word, bringing a deeper hunger for Him and a desire to please Him by living by faith.

Our mind is the battlefield where we fight the good fight of faith. 

Our thoughts will pave our pathway in life. We become what our thoughts are focusing on. –Proverbs 23:7

Sense-ruled thoughts open the door for the deceiver to breathe his lies upon us, bringing defeat into our lives.

Thoughts dominated by God’s Word will not allow circumstances to govern our senses, leading us to live victorious lives. 

We also can rejoice that the deceiver was defeated two thousand years ago by the cross and stripped of all authority. And, the authority was given back to us by the Blood of the Lamb.

The deceiver can do nothing to us without us permitting him to do so.

We give him permission when our souls believe his lies. Our thoughts come into an agreement by focusing on those lies, and words spoken through our lips align with his words.

We display the deceiver’s defeat by agreeing with God’s Word, as our thoughts focus on the truth, causing our souls and hearts to believe and our lips to speak only the giving life of His Word.

We can receive all of God’s promises written in His Word, for it’s finished. The finished work on the cross is for us to receive.

Our Beloved Heavenly Father has done all He is going to do. It’s up to us to receive it. 

We receive when our heart and you wholeheartedly believe and trust Him.

His heart’s desire and will for us are written beautifully in His love letters – His Holy Word, the written Word.

My Dearest Friend, no matter what we face, we can laugh in the face of the deceiver. He is a defeated foe.

Jesus has already overcome it all for us.  – John 16:33

We must take time to seek His Word, allowing it to transform our thoughts into His thoughts. And our soul to fully put trust in Him.

Whenever the deceiver breathes his wicked lies into our souls, we can thank him for confirming God’s Word. He can only lie, saying the opposite of what our Heavenly Father says.

When we saturate our souls with the breath of the truth of God’s Word, His whispers of love and guidance become louder, drowning out the deceiver’s lies.

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