Note to Soul

Fighting Tears Because of His Kindness

The Texas storm was around us. Heavy rain and thunder poured down upon the store, as I waited inside for my husband to retrieve our vehicle closer to the store’s doors so I didn’t have to embark in the storm.

While I was waiting, one of the store employees, with darker arms than mine, handed me a plastic bag to put over my head for protection from the rain. Tears started swelling, and I felt grateful for his kindness. His kindness ministered to my heart and brought healing where needed—healing I didn’t realize I needed at that moment. 

A few minutes before, my husband was cussed, yelled at, and mocked by someone with darker color arms than us. My husband commented to her about her shirt. She wore a shirt with writing saying, “Stop Killing Us.” My husband said that no one was trying to kill her. Her response was full of hate, being heard by everyone around.

Out of the heart, the mouth speaks. Our heart is displayed for all to see through the words we speak. What are we displaying through our words for all to see?

My husband immediately prayed for her in his heart. We prayed for her together when we got into our vehicle heading home as tears of gratefulness took their full expression of the man’s kindness overriding the woman’s hate.

It’s not about color or race; it’s about the heart. There is a heart issue, not a color issue. Someone with the same color arms as mine could have acted with hate or kindness toward us. The woman had deeper issues in her heart that needed healing. Lies that she believes have penetrated her way of thinking disorientated her way of responding to her fellow humankind.

God looks at the heart. He is more focused on humankind’s heart than their background. In His eyes, all humanity is His children, with whom He longs to have an intimate relationship. We must follow God in every area of our lives, focusing more on our fellow brethren’s hearts than their colors.

I have a step-grandson with darker arms than me and precious friends with darker and lighter arms. There are beautiful couples and families with a mix of colored arms. It’s time we look into each other’s beautiful faces, gaze into each other’s eyes, search deep into each other’s hearts, and embrace each other in unity. Let the past be the past, and embrace a beautiful future with togetherness.

We need to take time to pray for our fellow humankind. We are to pray for unity, the expose and dismantling of evil, and the triumph of truth. As long as we Believe in Jesus here on this earth, satan can’t prevail against the church.


It’s Not About the Color; It’s About the Heart


Help us Lord, to love one another as you have loved us.  Help us to show forth your love to the lost and hurting world that needs your healing touch.

 For Deeper Study

Matthew 12:34
Proverbs 4:23, 10:11, 21:2, 24:12
Psalm 14:1
Ezekiel 11:21, 16:30
Luke 6:45
I Samuel 16:7

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