She is...


Do not yield to fear, for I am always near. Never turn your gaze from me, for I am your faithful God. I will infuse you with my strength and help you in every situation. I will hold you firmly with my victorious right hand.’
Isaiah 41:10 (TPT)

Fearless – free from fear: brave.

Can she genuinely live a fearless life?  Yes, she can as long as she keeps her gaze on her loving Father and not on the circumstances around her.  The complex situation she may be facing is only for a moment as it soon shall pass, but her moment of gazing into her Father’s face is for eternity.  What we face on this earth is only a light inflection compared to the eternal reward. And we have the promise to overcome as Jesus has overcome the world and given us the authority. 

Her primary task is to combat fear, recognizing it as a perilous snare. Fear hinders her from living a life that fully pleases the Lord, for without faith, she cannot do so, as Hebrews 11:6 reminds us. Moreover, fear robs her of a peaceful, joyful existence. It’s been said that fear is faith in reverse, and what she believes, it will manifest in her life. 

She can’t allow herself to get into worries about anything, for it’s a form of fear. Fear is the root of anxiety, depression, illness, the stress of losing something, and not walking in obedience to the leading of the Lord.

Even if the world deems it acceptable or responsible to worry, she must resist. This is not the life God has called her to, as the Word of God instructs her not to worry or be anxious about anything in Philippians 4:6-7. She is not permitted to worry about her family, finances, relationships, responsibilities, or any aspect of her life. Her duty is to continue to trust and rely on God, regardless of the circumstances. 

Fear opens the door for destruction from the enemy, and faith opens the door for God to bring His provision and protection in every area of her life. She finds the strength she needs in the Lord to resist fear and stay focused on trusting and relying on Him. He will carry her through. 

Just as Jesus could sleep on the boat peacefully amid the storm (Matthew 8:23-27), so can she live a life not disturbed by the hardship around her but stay in peace and face the storm in her life fearlessly as Jesus did and tell her heart to be still. 


Are you living a life of being fearless by keeping your gaze upon the Heavenly Father?
What areas in your life are you allowing fear to conquer?


Dear Lord, help me live a life that is pleasing to you by living fearlessly. Show me where fear has conquered in my life, and forgive me for not trusting in you.

Deeper Study

Hebrews 11:6
Philippians 4:6-7
Matthew 8:23-27