Your Purpose

Don’t Determine Your Value by Others. 

Those who were excited to see you but are no longer don’t determine your value. Jesus is always happy to see you, and that’s what’s more important.

Remember, those individuals never died on the cross for you, but Jesus did. So they don’t have the final say in your life, but Jesus does. 

People are fickled; they love you one moment and dislike you the next. Like the same crowd who were rejoicing over Jesus while riding on the donkey, and the next, they were crying out, crucify Him. 

Our value is not determined by people like us or not. Our value is determined by what Jesus says of us.  

The liar tries to get us to measure our value by people’s opinion of us. Jesus tells us that our value is immeasurable. 

We need to search deep in our hearts and ask why we need people’s opinions of us.  

Are there deep roots of hurt in our hearts in need of healing? Have we become needy of love from others because we haven’t taken the time to bathe in Jesus’ love? 

Are we sucking the life out of people instead of being the life-giver? 

Or maybe we are standing for the truth of God’s word, making certain ones uncomfortable. 

Maybe the Lord is putting us through a season of hiding to purify us into fulfilling our destiny in a time we are called. 

It could be that, at one point, we were unaware that we projected rejection toward them through the look we gave them or not being over-excited to see them. 

We can learn from Jesus. Jesus never gave His heart to humanity but kept His heart in God, for He knew man’s heart.  

Keeping our heart in Jesus…

…and receiving love from another is a bonus, not a demand. Rejection from others is a moment here on earth compared to the eternity of pure love we will bestow upon each other in heaven. 

Also, consider that people are going through things and need grace and love. 

Loving others through the overflow of love we received from our intimate time with Jesus, keeping our heart in Him, is what we do. 

That love may look like compassion or justice; it’s the leading of the Holy Spirit.  

People come and go in our lives. Those who grow with us in Jesus are the ones we hold dearly close to us. We let go of those who don’t grow with us.  

The ones Jesus Himself brings into our lives to uphold and encourage may be few, but we receive and cherish them as precious gifts. 

Don’t determine your value by others but by the Word of God. Value others by God’s words, and keep your heart in Jesus. 

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