Pursuit of His Heart

Do You See Him

When you take a moment to close your eyes, inhale Jesus, and exhale, do you see Him?

Do you find yourself drawn to Him, like a magnet pulling you closer? Can you feel a deep desire within you, yearning for a closer connection with Jesus?

As you come closer to Him, do you see the depth of His beauty, and does His sweet fragrance sweep you off your feet, causing you to relax in His peace?

There is an awakening to knowing Him among His Bride, the church, amid the rising climate of evil around us. He is beckoning us to pursue Him and His love as He is pursuing us.

Can you hear the longing in His heart for you? He is calling us to prepare and be ready for The moment when He invites us into His innermost sanctuary, to be one with Him. His heart is filled with a deep desire to know us intimately, to share secrets and joys.

When I close my eyes, I see Him. I look upon Him as He is gazing at me. Only goodness flows through Him. I see the reading on His face of the manifestation of His word.

For I know the plans and thoughts that I have for you,’ says the Lord, ‘plans for peace and well-being and not for disaster, to give you a future and a hope. – Jeremiah 29:11 (AMP)

His goodness is flowing through Him. He only wants peace and well-being for us. He isn’t the author of destruction.

The thoughts that flow through Him about us are only of a prosperous life in every area. – views higher than our thoughts and ways beyond our imagination only known in our intimate time with Him.

As high as the heavens are above the earth,
so my ways and my thoughts are higher than yours. – Isaiah 55:9 (TPT)

It’s incredible to know that His thoughts are profound, and we are continually in His thoughts.

How great are Your works, O Lord!
Your thoughts are very deep [beyond man’s understanding] – Psalm 92:5 (AMP)

His thoughts are to be precious to us by meditating and coming to an understanding of a great revelation of how vast His thoughts are of us.

How precious also are Your thoughts to me, O God!
How vast is the sum of them- Psalms 139:17

Though I am reading His facial expression of goodness toward me, it still needs to penetrate deep into my heart. The way for it to penetrate is through more precious intimate time sitting at His feet, soaking in His presence, communion with Him, and digging into His Word.

I want to not just know in my intellect that He has good thoughts toward me but know deep in my heart without a shadow of a doubt. To know I have come to a place of heart knowing is when I can trust him in every area of my life, no matter what the circumstances are around me.

Knowing my body, soul, and heart are already healed through the bloodshed two thousand years ago on the cross that went from ugliness to beauty. He took upon Himself all my ugliness so I can walk in His beauty. When the fruit of walking in divine healing starts manifesting, it shows that the revelation of His goodness is penetrating deep into my heart.

What do you see when you close your eyes and see Him in your heart?  The more I study His face, the more of Him I see. 


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