Your Purpose

Discover Your True Purpose

What’s my true purpose in life now? The question is floating through my mind as I wander through the house.

My dream of being a mother and a full-time housewife has come and gone, now with the kids living independently.

Empty nested is now known to me.

What do I do with my life now, Lord? What do you want to do with my life at this time and season? What’s my purpose?

I heard it. It was not an audio voice, but I heard it deep in my heart. The quiet voice of the Holy Spirit talking to me.

He asked me, “What does the bible say about why God created you?” I responded, “the bible says we are created to have fellowship with Him.” The Bible is about fellowship with Him as a father and us as a daughter or son.

To discover your true purpose is to create a genuine relationship with Him.

Our number one purpose in life is to have fellowship with the Heavenly Father – embracing Him in a profound, deep, intimate way by spending time with Him.

If we did nothing else on this earth but focused on developing a relationship with Him -we would have done more than most people have ever done.

Even though it looks like they have accomplished a lot in life, if they don’t have a relationship with the Heavenly Father, acknowledge Him daily. It’s all done in vain and without actual purpose. 

Those who do their wills and not His don’t deeply know Him. His first will for us is to have an intimate relationship with Him. It’s the foundation of walking into our purpose.

Seek Him First, and all these things will be added to you is what we read in Matthew 6:33

Taking time to be with Him will give us a sense of purpose and direction.

Spending time in His word and being a doer of His word will cause us to fulfill our mission.

Reading His word and walking in obedience to what He lays on our hearts to do causes us to fulfill the purpose he dreamed for us before the creation of the foundation of this earth.

Adversity will try to distract us from our purpose.

Adversity will try to distract us from our purpose. Our enemy, satan, will try to keep us busy doing good things but not things we were called to do. Deviating us away from our mission is His goal against us.

The enemy will push us to hustle and stay busy, so we are too busy to spend quiet time with our precious Heavenly Father.

The Heavenly Father will never push us or make us hustle; He will ask and lead us into what He desires us to accomplish, but He will never drive us.

There will be times when the Heavenly Father may beckon us to sit at His feet to be with Him; then, through that time of rest, He will give us the next instruction.

The enemy of our soul desires to destroy us, and part of killing us is keeping us from developing a genuine relationship with the Heavenly Father.


Take some time with the Father, and get into His Word. Ask the Holy Spirit what needs to be in your life and what not to be in your life.

What are the specific responsibilities you are to embrace, and what hustle and bustle do you need to let go of?

Make having a beautiful, face-to-face relationship with the Father the real purpose of your life.



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