Showing: 36 - 42 of 85 RESULTS
Note to Soul

God’s Word Changed My Life

God’s Word Changed My Life In 2011, I was in an unhealthy situation and had no choice but to face some uncomfortable things. Out of desperation, I turned to God’s word like never before. I spent two to eight hours …

Note to Soul

Deny Self

Self Looking into the horror of self has been transpiring in my life.  The Lord has been speaking my heart about denying self. In the last couple of weeks, everywhere I turn around, there has been a teaching of dying …

Note to Soul

Grim Reaper

Looking into the mirror on top of my dresser was not the reflection of me staring back, but the spirit of death, the grim reaper. The Realness of the Grim Reaper The times I saw the grim reaper instead of …

Your Purpose

Encourager or a Discourager

Are you an encourager or a discouraged person? Do you look for ways to encourage others around you, or do you find yourself bringing discouragement into their lives? Are there times you know that you should encourage someone, but you …

Your Purpose

Created Because of Love

We are created because of true, pure Love. True, pure Love wants to give oneself and share one’s belongings with another. Love desires to have communication with other lovers. A desire that burns with passion for having a fellowship communion …