Showing: 22 - 28 of 40 RESULTS
Note to Soul

Let Go of Fear

Fear is a danger to the soul.  Fear, a counterfeit of faith, a tool used by the prince of this world to kill, still, and destroy.  Believe it or not, some find comfort in fear.   Why? It’s because of a place …

Note to Soul

The New Year

The Coming New Year, What is God saying about it? What is God saying to you about the coming year? What is He whispering in your heart? What dreams and plans has He put in your heart to fulfill? Seeking …

Note to Soul


Christmas is My Favorite Holiday!! What’s your favorite Holiday? What do you like about your favorite Holiday the most? What I like about Christmas I like all of the twinkle lights, the warm white ones, and all the colored ones. I …

Note to Soul

A Grateful Heart

The Power of a Grateful Heart Having a grateful heart helps us in many ways. It helps us to get our eyes off of ourselves and focus more on the goodness of God. It helps us recognize we have more …

Note to Soul

Thankful for You

Are You Thankful for Yourself? Are you thankful for being you? Are you thankful for being alive? Are you thankful for being a masterpiece by the most creative master? Are you thankful that you have an opportunity to worship our …

Note to Soul


Thanksgiving In November, here in the USA, we celebrate Thanksgiving. A Holiday of remembrance of the Pilgrims and Indians sharing the harvest of feast and fellowship.   Thanksgiving is also a time when modern families of today come together for a …