Showing: 1 - 7 of 40 RESULTS
Note to Soul

Fifty Years of Life

What Fifty years look like for me. As I lay in bed this morning, I pondered what fifty years of my life have looked like—a life of resilient, persistent, and relentless love. A friend of mine sent me a song …

Note to Soul

Words Reveal True Character

Dear Heavenly Father, Matthew 12:33-37 tells us that our mouth speaks out of the abundance of our heart. Lord, I am taking a moment to reflect on the words flowing through my lips the last few days. Are they words …

Note to Soul

Pride, a Root of Strife

Is Pride a root of strife? According to scripture it is. Pride can be a complex subject, but it must be discussed. We must allow the Holy Spirit to reveal any pride in our hearts. Sometimes, there are surprises of …