Showing: 1 - 7 of 85 RESULTS
Health Journey

My Health Plan

The health guidelines the Lord help me put together: Food to and not to eat Fruit Vegetables Whole Grains Legumes Lentils Limited dairy to yogurt, certain cheese, and cottage cheese Drink 100 oz of water daily No Sugar No Process …

Health Journey

Disgusted with Myself

I am displeased I was looking at some photos of myself and was disgusted with how I looked. I was displeased with how I looked when I watched a video of my first grandbaby’s dedication a year ago, and today, …

Pursuit of His Heart

Do You See Him

When you take a moment to close your eyes, inhale Jesus, and exhale, do you see Him? Do you find yourself drawn to Him, like a magnet pulling you closer? Can you feel a deep desire within you, yearning for …

Note to Soul

Fifty Years of Life

What Fifty years look like for me. As I lay in bed this morning, I pondered what fifty years of my life have looked like—a life of resilient, persistent, and relentless love. A friend of mine sent me a song …


Our First Night

Our first night in our fifth wheel was a night of tears. Tears from a heart missing my furry babies, home, furniture, and things of comfort. While my kids were growing up, we were a family that trailer camped three …


2018 Sandpiper

We bought a 42 ft 2018 Forest River Sandpiper from our son-n-love’s sister – who lived in it for a few years – and we are now living in it for a season. I’m not sure how long of a season, …