Your Purpose

Become God’s Purpose for You

Becoming God’s purpose for you is living your life for Him and only for Him and fulfilling what He has called you to do.

It’s not trying to copy someone else’s life, making it your own.

You are taking time with God and learning what purpose He has for you to fulfill and how to fulfill it. It will cause your life to look different than another’s life.

As I embarked on the writing journey, I found a writer who writes beautifully, and I want to write like her.

I submitted a writing piece of mine to a writing coach, and as lovely in speech as they were about my writing, it was apparent it wasn’t the best I could have done.

And, it’s because it wasn’t my way of writing, my purpose of expressing. I was trying to be like another writer instead of enjoying and embracing the journey of finding my writing voice in God’s purpose for me.

When I write the way God has ordained me, people are more pleased with my writing. It sounds more like me, who God has created for me to express.

Every one of us has to find God’s purpose for our unique destiny. Focusing only on Him and not looking to the right or left –trying to copy someone else’s life. 

The only life we shall copy and become of is Jesus Himself. 

Letting God become part of every part of our lives causes us to know a unique purpose He has planned for us to fulfill before the foundation of this earth. 

When we try to copy another’s purpose, then we lose the uniqueness we are created to become.

We won’t experience life to the fullness when we don’t live the life God has purposed for us.

We will know emptiness instead of fulfillment.

Embracing the uniqueness God has created us to be. Focusing only on His way of becoming the destiny created for us brings an everlasting fulfillment of joy and adventure.

There is no one like you.

There has never been anyone like you, nor will there be anyone like you to come. You are the only one with a unique destiny to fulfill.

You can only fulfill God’s purpose for you. No one else can.

Others are waiting for us to walk out our God-given purpose that will help them. 

We need each other to fit the missing puzzle pieces in our lives.

Walk out the unique purpose God has for you.

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