ALL POSTS BY: Kristi Muszik

Grew up as a pastor's kid, with forty-plus years of church ministry, wife, mother, grandmother, friend, and prayer warrior, living a life of RVing. Enjoys reading, roses, dark chocolate, candles, and tea.

Showing: 78 - 84 of 114 RESULTS
What is Love

Love is not Jealous or Envious

Love – The Greek language distinguishes at least six different ways as to how the word love is used. Agape – is the most popular one used in the Christian world, to express the unconditional love of our Beloved, Heavenly Father. …

What is Love

Love is Kind and Thoughtful

Love – The Greek language distinguishes at least six different ways as to how the word love is used. Agape – is the most popular one used in the Christian world, to express the unconditional love of our Beloved, Heavenly Father. …

Note to Soul

The New Year

The Coming New Year, What is God saying about it? What is God saying to you about the coming year? What is He whispering in your heart? What dreams and plans has He put in your heart to fulfill? Seeking …

Note to Soul


Christmas is My Favorite Holiday!! What’s your favorite Holiday? What do you like about your favorite Holiday the most? What I like about Christmas I like all of the twinkle lights, the warm white ones, and all the colored ones. I …