Your Purpose

Are You Facing the Unknown – Not Knowing the Next Step?

Are you taking action that doesn’t make sense to you, but God is leading you?

Can you imagine how Abraham felt when the Lord led him out of his country, away from his family and friends?

To remove himself from the familiarity of his youth. His comfort zone. Walk away from everything he knows. He has put years of time and energy into friendships. Family members with whom he has united his heart.
To walk away from everything known into the unknown.

So many of us dislike the unknown. Especially when God doesn’t clarify the next step or what it looks like.
Being in control and knowing everything brings comfort to our flesh. But God said we couldn’t live by the flesh but by the spirit.

God is a spirit and lives in the spirit and communicates to our spirit, expecting us to live by our spirit amid the natural realm.

Oh, heck no! Many will say. Mostly unconsciously when the Lord leads us into the unknown – areas out of our control.
Because we can’t see what’s happening in the spirit realm but only what our eyes see of the natural, we will go by our logical thinking and live that way.
But that’s not the way to live. Living for God goes against all logical thinking and isn’t moved by our emotions.

Fighting against what’s familiar and with the unknown causes questions and emotions to arise within us. But denying those things and relying on God will pave the way to the unknown, making it known.
Our flesh dislikes the unknown and thrives in the known. Our spirit being is not of this world and thrives in the unknown to man but known in the supernatural.

Decisions are made if we trust the Lord to lead us into the unknown or stay in the known and miss out on what God has written in our book to fulfill.
Embrace the unknown and trust and rely entirely on the leading of the Lord. The Lord’s way permanently superseded our expectations.

Trust in the Lord completely, and do not rely on your own opinions. With all your heart rely on him to guide you, and he will lead you in every decision you make. Become intimate with him in whatever you do, and he will lead you wherever you go. – Proverbs 3:5-6 (TPT)


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