Note to Soul

Allowing God to Build It Instead of Toiling

Am I Allowing God to Build It Instead of Me Toiling to Make It Happen?

Grabbing my Bible to have my morning time in God’s Word, The Holy Spirit speaks quietly to my heart, saying, “Go to Ecclesiastes 1:1.” 

I open my Amplified translation, resting my eyes on these words, “The Words of the preacher, the son of David and King in Jerusalem.” 

I pondered these words, realizing it was Solomon, the wisest and wealthiest man who had ever lived on this earth.

There has never been anyone as wise and wealthy as he has been, and from my understanding of God’s Word, there will never be one like him to come upon this earth. No one will ever supersede all of Solomon’s wealth or wisdom.

Deciding to take the words of this wisest and wealthiest man in my heart and be open to gleaning what he has to say, I continue to read verses two and three.

My eyes read these words, “Vanity of vanities,” says the Preacher.  “Vanity of vanities! All [that is done without God’s guidance] is vanity [futile, meaningless – a wisp of smoke, a vapor that vanishes, merely chasing the wind].” What advantage does man have from all his work which he does under the sun (while earthbound)?

The part that says, “That is done without God’s guidance,” struck me as if it’s written in big red bold letters.

Then, the Holy Spirit continues to talk to my heart with encouragement, reminding me that everything I do without God’s guidance is all in vanity.

When I get into doing it in my strength and my wisdom without God’s power and knowledge, I am doing it all in vain, and it will all vanish away.

As long as I am doing what He has called me to do without His guidance every step of the way but try to do it my way, I am toiling on my own without Him.

Then the Holy Spirit gently reminded me of the scripture in Psalms 127:1a in the AMP. Unless the Lord builds the house, They labor in vain who build it;

I have known this in my intelligent mind and even at times talked to myself about these scriptures, but as the Holy Spirit was speaking to me through these scriptures this morning, the words started taking hold of my heart.

I realized that I have been toiling and doing something He has called me to do without his guidance.

I took what He called me to fulfill in this season of my life and started toiling, trying to make it happen without Him. I haven’t been seeking His guidance every step of the way to fulfill this mandate He placed in my heart.

I have to decide on making the ministry His, not mine. It’s all about Him, not about me.

I am making it all about me when I start toiling and doing it alone.

I need to get out of the way, focus on His face, and take the steps He tells me to make.

I am just a vessel willing to be filled with His Glory, and I am hindering the ability of His Glory to be manifested by working it on my own.

I took the time to listen to everything the Holy Spirit was whispering to my heart.

Then I went before my Beloved Father, asking for His Grace of Forgiveness for making it more of me instead of more of Him.

I place the mandate He put on my life this season to fulfill in His hands, asking Him to be Lord of It in every way.

I want Him to build the ministry He has called me to do.

I want Him to build my writing. I want Him to be Lord of this Blog site, with His Glory weaving through every part.

I want the Lord to create my life as He has ordained it.

I want His Glory pouring through me in every way and at every moment I am breathing here on this earth. I want the very heartbeat of His to be beating in every part of my writing and in everything He calls me to fulfill. 

We are precious to God, and He wants to do extraordinary things in our lives.

He wants to build our lives for us.

He wants to guide us every step of the way, for He knows all things.

He knows the beginning and the end, and nothing surprises Him.

He will build our lives in beautiful ways we can never create on our own.

He will make our lives more extraordinary than we can ever imagine as long as we allow Him to guide us every step of the way.

Sometimes, we may start walking in our calling with the pure heart to fulfill our purpose, but without realizing it, we start making it all about us instead of about Him.

He is the Builder; We are the willing vessel. 

So, we ask ourselves daily, “Is He building, or am I toiling?”

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