Note to Soul

Allow the Breath of Scriptures Penetrate the Depth of Your Soul

Reading scriptures should be done with focus and meditation. Allowing time for scriptures to whisper words of life to our souls.  

When we read hurriedly, we missed the opportunity for the Holy Spirit to minister to our hearts.

Reading the Bible in a hurry stunts the growth of our souls, not giving us time to mature into the likeness of Jesus. 

Taking time to ponder on scripture and listen to the whisper of the Holy Spirit causes us to grow into maturity in the likeness of Jesus.

Focusing on scripture and knowing this is God’s love letter to us will bring healing to our broken hearts and peace to our souls. 

Just as a loving parent instructs, corrects, and encourages their precious children – the scriptures – God’s love letters bring us encouragement, instructions, and corrections to help us live a successful life.  

God’s heart desires to have fellowship with us through His Word, breathing abundant life into our souls, setting us free from the sting of death, and untangling us from the deceiver’s lies.  

Absorbing the living, breathing scriptures intertwines our hearts with His heart, beating as one, and His thoughts become our thoughts.  

Sometimes, we may read the same one or three scriptures daily for three months or a year until it penetrates deep into our soul, driving out any unbelief.  

The fear of provision was stealing peace from my soul, causing me to doubt God’s promises of being my provider, not relying on Him but my self-effort.  

Fear turned into anxiety as my thoughts pondered on the lies of the deceiver and not on the truth of God’s Word.  

It’s impossible to please God without faith. Fear is a distortion of faith.  

Walking in fear unpleased our Heavenly Father, for we are walking beside the deceiver, hand in hand, away from His protective arms of love and provision. 

God says to be anxious for nothing, and when our soul is in anxiety, then we are disobeying Him, walking in sin, the pathway of darkness into the arms of the deceiver.  

But, how gracious our loving Father is to show us in His Word – the living scriptures – how to run out of the arms of the deceiver into His loving arms.  

I chose to run from the deceiver’s arm into the Father’s loving arms, tuning out the deceiver’s lies and tuning into the truth of my Beloved Father.

For three months, I pondered daily, only reading Matthew 6:25-34, Phillippians 4:6-9, James 1:6-8, and 1 Peter 5:7, until these valuable scriptures penetrated deeply into my soul, changing my thinking into His way.  

Those scriptures breathed new life into me, causing me to breathe with a breath that relied only on Him and not by self-effort. 

I allowed myself to fall safely into His loving arms of protection, trusting Him to be my provider.  

Resisting fear and anxiety with His power and not by my strength, giving me the rest and peace my soul desperately needed. 

There are times when unexpected circumstances arise, and my spirit and soul will wrestle. 

Our spirit and soul will continue to wrestle with each other as we inhabit this earth, but I believe the more we grow in Jesus, the less the wrestling time will take place. 

My spirit wants to trust and rely on our Heavenly Father to provide, and my soul wants to make decisions based on senses, what it sees or feels at the moment.

With the wrestling, I chose to be careful of what proceeds from my mouth, for our words will determine the outcome.  

Speaking only the life-giving scriptures brings victories in our lives, giving peace to our souls so they will agree with the spirit. 

Choosing to sing praises to our Beloved Father shows our belief in His Word and a heart of thankfulness for what He has done, opening the windows of Heaven to shower down His blessings and making a breakthrough in provisions. 

My Dearest, Precious Friend, allow the breath of scriptures to penetrate the depth of your soul, bringing the life of rest and peace it desperately needs.  

Please don’t read the living, breathing scriptures in a hurry fashion – even if it means meditating on one scripture for five minutes.  

It’s not the quantity but the quality of reading taking place in your time.  

Make His precious Word the most valuable valuables in your heart, breathing new life into filling you with His breath that you exhale, changing the circumstances around you.  

Change your way of thinking to His way – making His thoughts become your thoughts.  

Allow yourself to trust fully in Him – letting go and fall into His loving arms, where rest and peace abode. 

His Word is full of promises for every area of our lives – breathing life into the depths of our souls. 



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